Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss.

As Donald Trump strode onto the political stage with an unusual gait and confidence, something unexpected happened. A little girl from Kansas’s rather notorious dog repeated his most infamous trick. He pulled back a curtain and exposed for the entire world to see, a collection of old men pretending to be almighty wizards.

The New Media was fast over taking the Old Mainstream Media. Blogs, Twitter and Facebook pages were replacing the dinosaur print media while online sites like The Blaze and OANN (One America News Network) were chasing hot on the heels of FoxNews and CNN.

Middle Class American’s by and large have figured out that the GOP Establishment, or the Republican Party’s Elitist Leadership if you will, hold them, the Republican Party Base, in contempt and disregard. As House Speaker John “Bonehead” Boehnor and Senate Majority Leader Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell launched into vicious attack after attack against Conservatives and especially those Conservatives associated with the TEA Party sentiment it dawned on all but the densest of the Low Information Republican Voters that the Party Leadership was intentionally betraying them.

The anger at this unexpected revelation began to first simmer, then to approach a slow roiling boil. It was however an anger with no real focus point. The base was angry, but what could it do. All across the Blogsphere that anger found outlet, but it had no rallying point. The Pundit’s fed that anger for page clicks, milking it for every penny it was worth.

And then the unspeakable happened.

A focal point appeared out of nowhere. And following right behind that focal point was that damned little dog from Kansas, working its pesky little magic.

Not only were the corrupt Elitist GOP Aristocrats holding the base in contempt… But so were a significant majority of the blogsphere Punditry. It was bad enough that so called Conservative Talking heads and dinosaur print media columnists like Charles Krauthammer and George Will were in reality members of the corrupt elitist political aristocracy, but then it turned out that so were so many Blog pundits. Brave Sir Erick the Yellow (formerly of the supposedly Conservative Blog RedState) had to bravely run away. In those few and precious moments before he pulled his vanishing act, that damned little dog from Kansas once again pulled its little act.

Erick Erickson’s loyal peers in the Blog Punditry knee jerked and came screaming to his defense, thus exposing what was already becoming painfully obvious. That they were not actually Conservatives at all, just writers employing a business strategy of catering to Conservatives to earn a living. In reality, they were lieutenants GOP Establishment, tasked with keeping the dirty smelly ignorant hoi polloi of the Republican Party in line. Day after day they spewed vitriolic diatribe after vitriolic diatribe predicting the eminent demise of the Trump Campaign. Yet despite the best effort to run a IBM styled FUD campaign to destroy Donald Trumps ascending popularity, The Donald just kept getting more popular.

When FoxNew sexbait Megyn Kelly attacked Donald Trump repeatedly during the first Republican Presidential Debate, they gleefully again predicted Trumps demise. Imagine their impotent furry when instead of collapsing into obscurity, Trump surged yet again in popularity and in the polls. One can almost hear Brave Sir Erick the Yellow and his friends yelling back and forth to each other.. “Will no on rid us of this troublesome man?”

The GOP Establishment Elitist Aristocrat heir apparent Jeb Bush was getting crucified in the polls by that damned New Yorker with bad hair and politically incorrect opinions. Yet, just like Louis the XIV and Marie-Antoinette, neither the corrupt GOP Establishment elitist aristocrats nor their lieutenants in the New Media could smell the torches or see the pitchforks that their very own dirty smelly ignorant hoi polloi were carrying as they boldly marched on the Gates of Mordor on the Potomac.

The New Media had nearly succeeded in wresting control away from the old dinosaur mainstream media. The old dinosaur mainstream media had taken nearly 2 centuries to corrupt itself from being watchdogs protecting society, to become Gatekeepers of the precious information that shaped public opinion. What had taken the old dinosaur nearly 200 years to achieve, was taking the New Media closer to 2 decades to achieve.

Indeed, Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss. The new Gatekeepers of the precious information that shapes public opinion, and make no mistake about it, Brave Sir Erick the Yellow, when he said, “You will be made to care” was not just talking about the agenda of the Social Justice Warriors. He was telling you how the New Gatekeepers were going to dispense the precious information that shapes public opinion. You will be made to care…. About what the New Gatekeepers want you to care about. And it is not what the average Christian Conservative Republican Base cares about.

So, here comes Donald Trump, whose inexplicable popularity comes more from the Republican Conservative bases desire to stick the proverbial knife in the Corrupt GOP Establishment Elitist Aristocracy’s chest than from his politically incorrect opinions. The Corrupt GOP Establishment Elitist Aristocracy can no more smell the burning torches or see the glint of pitchforks than Louis the XIV and Marie-Antoinette could.

Vive la Revolution… Molon labe baby… Molon labe…

Here comes the Rope-A-Dope…


ROTFLMAO… Yes… attacking Trump like that worked out so well for Ricky Perry didn’t it, demoted from the adult table, to the kiddy table. All the money Jebby managed to raise isn’t going to be able to compete with what Donald Trump has in his back pocket.

Perhaps the single most redeeming aspect to Donald Trump running, is that those of us alive today, will see the first and possibly last election in our lifetimes where the outcome is not decided by who can raise and spend the most money.

There is literally nobody out there who can outspend Donald Trump. Anyone who wants to beat Donald Trump is not going to do so by outspending him. Anyone who wishes to beat Donald Trump is going to have to do it in the bloodsport arena of idea’s.

The GOP Establishment has proven that they are more than willing to commit fratricide. Its one of the reasons that Donald Trump is surging in the polls. They will use every single play out of the Clinton’s Politics of Personal Destruction playbook against Trump, and Donald Trump knows it. They will use every single one of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals against Trump, and he knows this too.

Donald Trump is far more intelligent than most people give him credit for being. He has made BILLION OF DOLLARS by playing the buffoon and suckering his opponents into underestimating his intelligence. He has mastered the intellectual version of Mohammad Ali’s Rope-a-Dope. His opponents, even when they know its coming, continue to fall for it.

No, I am not endorsing Donald Trump, I’m just telling you what is coming. The 2016 election campaign is going to be the new and improved “Thrilla in Manilla”… Its going to be a bloody beat-down, its going to be Rocky Balboa verses Apollo Creed, its going to be David Verses Goliath and this time, the GOP Establishment has been cast in the role of Goliath, and David isn’t armed with a puny little slingshot. David has gotten his hands on a Barret M82A1 .50 caliber rifle and Goliath is busy getting drunk in anticipation of celebrating crushing David like a annoying little bug.

I do not know whether either Donald Trump or the GOP Establishment will still be standing at the end of this.

The first round of this new improved “Thrilla in Manilla” kicks off tonight at 9pm Eastern time (5pm if you live on the West Coast) on
FoxNews. You can expect Jebby Bush to come out with both barrels blazing at Trump right from the get-go. Donald Trump will mostly likely play it coy, only responding in seemingly knee jerk fashion to the expected assaults from the GOP Establishment cronies and stooges. Trump will Rope-a-dope the GOP Establishment cronies and stooges into continuing to think he is just a buffoon, then he will likely knock them out colder than a penguins asshole. This is how he has made his billions. This is the most likely scenario for how Donald Trump manages his Presidential campaign.

If you are a political junky, this will be a terrifying and exciting next year, if you are not a political junky, it will be a slow motion train wreck you simply cannot turn your attention away from…

To quote sports announcer Michael Buffer, “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble”…