Propaganda tactics: It’s all about timing.

Many people believe that Bill Clinton created and perfected the art of the Friday News Dump. For those who are unaware of what the Friday News Dump is, it’s a political tactic where important information is released to the public late Friday afternoon after the regular news cycle has concluded. It assures that whatever important news is being dumped gets ignored because of the well documented tendency of American’s to quit paying attention over the weekend.

The truth is, it was not Bill Clinton who invented the Friday News dump, nor did he perfect it. The trend for American’s to quit paying attention to the news over the weekend was first noticed and documented by the Nielsen ratings Agency way back in the 1950’s. Arthur Nielsen was a statistician and market analyst who created a statistical model of American radio listening habits in the 1920’s for a number of major advertising agencies. The statistical model he created was used to determine when the best time for various product placement ads was.

As a corollary, his statistical model also told when the worst possible time for ad placement was. This negative corollary found it’s first true application during the mid to late 1950’s when the major News outlets had to release bad news regarding the Korean War. As unpopular as the Korean War was back in the late 50’s, America had not yet become a anti-War nation. The anti-war protest environment that plagued the Vietnam War was still a decade off. Every Presidential administration from Dwight D Eisenhower forward has taken advantage of the statistical model created by Arthur Nielsen.

While Bill Clinton did not create or perfect the Friday News Dump, he was without a doubt the First American President to have an ally in the Mainstream Media whom he could count on to ignore important news events that his administration wanted ignored. While previous Presidents such as John F Kennedy had enjoyed an unusually cooperative mainstream media, they were still subject to actual real investigative journalism. Which meant that if they dumped something into the Friday News Dump void, there was always a very real chance that some hot shot reporter trying to make a name for himself would dig it out and run with it Monday morning.

As much cooperation as Bill Clinton received from the Mainstream Media in this particular endeavor, it was literately nothing at all compared to the criminal conspiracy with which the media has cooperated with the Obama administration in turning the Friday News Dump into a gigantic information Black Hole.

One of the interesting things about properly constructed statistical models is, that the more information they contain, the more the statistical model tells you. While Nielsens original model was designed to tell advertising agencies when the best time for product placement was, the constant accumulation of data also began painting another picture. It also began telling about market saturation and declining return periods. In other words, it told the advertising agencies when a product advertising campaign had over saturated the market and people began to ignore the advertising.

Eventually it became possible to model saturation and over saturation points. Place this statistical model information in the hands of individuals with a political agenda and suddenly you have one of the most powerful propaganda advancement tools ever created. The ability to time the release of critical information and manage how the general public reacts to it.

Video: Two commandos made it to Benghazi

The official line from the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon about the US response to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi has been that we didn’t have time to send in troops to fight the terrorists that were killing Americans. A new report from Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough undermines that argument, and once again raises the question about the lack of response. Two American commandos have received medals for fighting in Benghazi after volunteering to accompany five security contractors from Tripoli, and Scarborough wonders why the US didn’t mobilize other forces at the same time:

This is what is and has been going on with Benghazi and Operation Fast and Furious. A combination of slow dribbling out of information, then flurries of stories. Build the story up to it’s market saturation point then suddenly push it over the saturation point with the result that the general public ignores the story because they have heard to much saying to little.

Now, combine this strategy with ability to calculate the duration of a stories life expectancy and you have the ability to calculate when to release critically important information in such a way that the general public is exhausted by the story before that story can have serious political ramifications. Break a scandal 18 months before a election takes place, reach over-saturation 6 months before the election and the story will have no significant impact on that election cycle.

Obama on insurance cancellations: “Just shop around in the new marketplace, that’s what it’s for”

Fear not, you millions of Americans now receiving insurance policy cancellation notices in the mail: Your anger and bewilderment has not fallen upon deaf ears. In his speech in Boston this afternoon, President Obama munificently took the time to explain to any such Americans how it was not, in fact, his own now infamous promise that “If you like your plan, you can keep it” that misled people, because hey, insurance companies are still offering plans you can buy in their place! They might be more expensive, sure, but the good news is that they will no longer be “substandard.” According to The One, that is.

Video: White House intimidating insurers into staying quiet on the ObamaCare debacle?

It could be worse, as Audrey Hudson can tell you. All these insurers are getting are phone calls, not raids by the Maryland State Police seizing their notes on government malfeasance. CNN’s Anderson Cooper reports that the insurers want to get the real story out about why millions of people will have their policies cancelled, and how they tried to warn HHS of this unnecessary outcome. For now, they’re outsourcing the job to Robert Laszewski (via Daniel Halper):

The 2014 midterm elections are coming up and the strategy being employed by the Mainstream Media in concert with the Obama Administration is in full swing. Begin the slow dribbling of damaging information on Obamacare and Benghazi, build it up to it’s market over-saturation crescendo and ensure that it does as little damage politically to the Democrats as possible. Repeat the process again just before the 2016 presidential election and ensure that Hillary Clinton is immunized from any political fallout from either Obamacare or Benghazi. Scandals which if Hillary Clinton were a Republican would absolutely guarantee that she would never even make it out of the Presidential Primaries.

Yes, sorry to break it to you, but this is exactly how you are being manipulated.

Propaganda Strategy: Taking the Focus off Obama.

Various Fifth Column Treasonous Media outlets and members of the Aristocratic Republican Leadership are currently attacking HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Her Roll out of the Obamanationcare website has been an unmitigated disaster, something that neither the Democrat/Marxists nor the Aristocratic Republican Leadership wanted, and now they are attacking her for that failure.

Sebelius Says She’s Responsible, So Why Is the Administration Pointing Fingers?

Complaints about Obamacare? Blame the insurance companies. Or the contractors. Or the press.

Over the past three days, the Obama administration has blamed almost everyone but itself for the debacle that is and the wave of cancellations that consumers are now receiving.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius did take some responsibility for the website on Wednesday, telling a House panel to hold her accountable for the site’s failures.

But that concession came only after HHS had pointed the finger at three other parties in less than three days.

Sebelius’ prepared testimony for Wednesday’s hearing put the responsibility for squarely on the contractors who built it, rejecting their complaints about poor management from HHS.

Let’s be perfectly clear about something, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is utterly and completely incompetent and should be fired, if she worked anywhere in the private sector she would not only have been fired long ago, she would have been prosecuted for fraud as well. But make no mistake about this, these public attacks on Kathleen Sebelius are nothing more than a diversion, a shiny object to distract people from the more serious issue at hand.

The Evil Republican Terrorist and bomb throwing talk radio host Rush Limbaugh put his finger squarely on it the other day when he played around with the Fred Thompson Watergate investigation quote that cause Richard Nixon so much trouble.

We’re on the track for single-payer Medicaid, and that’s why Obama’s congratulating the governor of Kentucky because — by hook or by crook — he’s way ahead of the game, whether he knows it or not. Nobody knows what they’re doing, and nobody knows what’s happening. Nobody knows jack, and they happen to be the people leading us. You know, the question is, What does Obama ever know and when did he not know it?

It’s, “What does Obama not know, and when did he not know it?” That’s the question. In Watergate, it was, “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” In Obama’s case it’s, “What does he not know, and when did he not find out?” Okay, let’s stay with this. Let me give you the audio sound bites. Here’s the montage of the Drive-Bys, and this is the Limbaugh Theorem on parade. This is the Drive-Bys pushing the idea that Obama didn’t know what the NSA’s been doing.

Pay attention here folks, because this is where you are being deceived and manipulated by the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and the Aristocratic Republican Leadership. Obama knew and has known all along that 75 to 80% of the 17 million American’s who purchase their own health insurance were going to lose that coverage as a direct and intentional consequence of Obamanationcare.

At this very moment, even as million of cancellation notices are being received by unsuspecting Americans, Americans who believed Obama when he told them, “If you like your coverage, you can keep it” the Whitehouse, Kathleen Sebelius and literally dozens of other Democrat/Marxist useless imbeciles are asserting a lie.

Sebelius Explains ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It’

The first question Wednesday that House Republicans asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about’s troubled rollout focused on President Obama’s promise: “If you like your health plan, you can keep it.”

House Energy and Commerce Chair Fred Upton (R-MI) pressed Sebelius on why the president had made that statement, given recent reports of individual policies being dropped prior to 2014, which is when the law’s major market reforms take effect.

“Mr. Chairman, there was no change,” Sebelius said. “The regulation involving grandfathered plans, which applied to both the employer market and the individual market, indicated that if a plan was in effect in March of 2010, stayed in effect without unduly burdening the consumer with reducing benefits and adding on huge costs, that plan would stay in effect and never have to comply with any regulations of the Affordable Care Act.”

“That’s what the grandfather clause said. The individual market which affects about 12 million Americans, about 5 percent of the market. People move in and out. They often have coverage for less than a year. A third of them have coverage for about six months. And if a plan was in place in March of 2010 and again did not impose additional burdens on the consumer, they still have it. It’s grandfathered in.”

Barack Obama straight up lied to the American People, no if’s and’s or but’s about it. His minions are still lying, even in the face of the absolutely indisputable and incontrovertible evidence. The only thing more shocking than the Obama subordinates lies, are how the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and the Aristocratic Republican Leadership are using the lies of Obama’s subordinates to create a distraction from Obama himself. Rather than grilling Kathleen Sebelius, Congress should be grilling Barack Obama under oath about what he knew, and when he knew it.

Wailing and gnashing of teeth… (Yes, Obama knowingly lied to you)

You’re an idiot, it really is that simple. Barack Insane Obama believes that you are a complete imbecile who cannot under any circumstance be trusted to make the correct decisions and therefore must knowingly and willfully lie to you to get you to make what he considers the correct decisions. Yes, Barack Insane Obama has known all along that he was lying to you about Obamanationcare. But it’s ok, it was a lie told to you in your best interests. You are just to fucking stupid to know what is in your best interests, therefore it was necessary for Barack Insane Obama to lie to you, because like a cow to the slaughter, you required a bit of the ole electric cattle prod to encourage you to do what must be done.

Obama knew for at least three years

The law is supposed to work this way. Of course he knew.

But he didn’t want you to know. So he and his deputies lied and lied and lied.

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”

None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date — the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example — the policy would not be grandfathered.

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”…

“This says that when they made the promise, they knew half the people in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” said Robert Laszewski, of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, a consultant who works for health industry firms.

So they carved out a phony “grandfather” provision to take some political heat off of themselves while the law was being debated in Congress, then basically eviscerated it after the law passed to quietly maximize the number of people who got soaked. Laszewski himself is suddenly staring at a 66 percent premium increase and higher out-of-pocket costs now that his own plan got canceled. Remember when John Roberts was torn to shreds by righties for calling the mandate a tax? The mandate might not be a tax, but the provisions about which plans are and aren’t legal under the law effectively is. It’s a direct hit on middle-class wealth in the name of subsidizing the sick. But rather than sell it that way, as a de facto tax to provide welfare for the needy, and risk a political backlash, Obama chose to lie his ass off in falsely reassuring people they could keep their plan if they liked it. You’re welcome, America.

Are you getting that loud and clear yet? Barack Insane Obama knowingly and with a forethought of malice lied to the American people, He knew all along that 75 percent of the 14 million American’s who purchase their own healthcare insurance were going to lose their healthcare insurance. Under Stalin, tens of millions of Soviet Citizens found themselves in gulags, the vast majority of them, even as they were dying from the viciously brutal conditions died muttering, if only Comrade Stalin knew, he would save us.

Like the Obama faithful, those poor Soviet Citizens simply could not bring themselves to understand or accept that not only would Stalin not have saved them if he knew, he after all, did know, but it was Comrade Stalin himself who was responsible for their being in those gulags. The Obama faithful (those who drank the Obama Zombie virus contaminated kool-aid), like those doomed Soviet citizens will go to their deaths believing that it was someone else who was responsible for Obama lying to them. The evil Republicans forced Obama at gun point to lie about the damage that Obamanationcare would do to the American economy and to the United States Constitution. Remember, these Obama zombies are the exact same fools who think that taxing the rich 100 percent will solve all of our economic problems.

Now take a moment and think about the implications of Barack Insane Obama lying right from the start about Obamanationcare. If Barack Insane Obama was willing to lie about Obamanationcare, which did not actually place him in a danger of legal prosecution, what would he do when facing legal prosecution over executive decisions that he had issued that he fully knew were illegal? How many willful and with a forethought of malice lies did he tell regarding “Operation Fast and Furious”? How many willful and with a forethought of malice lies did he tell regarding the Stand down order that got Ambassador Christopher Stevens killed in Benghazi Libya?

How many other scandals are the Obamanation Administration Schutzstaffel and their Fifth Column Treasonous Media Co-conspirators hiding from you right this very second? Of course the Obama Zombie virus kool-aid drinkers will vehemently deny that Comrade Obama knew anything, or took part in any way shape or form. No amount of documentation or indisputable evidence will convince them otherwise, they have invested their very souls in Barack Insane Obama, they would gladly douse themselves in gasoline, then carry a full 5 gallon gas can in each hand as they walk bare ass naked through the gates of Hell, then admit that they were deceived by Barack Insane Obama. It will always be someone elses fault, just like 6 years later, the economy is still George W Bush’s fault.

A burial shroud for Benghazi…

The Fifth column Treasonous Media is at it again, and sadly most conservatives who saw the 60 Minutes special on Benghazi are falling for it. Let me make something perfectly clear to everyone, the 60 Minute Special on Benghazi is not an expose designed to enlighten anyone nor to bring pressure on the Obamanation Administration. It amounts to nothing less than lime being thrown on a corpse to keep it from stinking, a burial shroud to inform everyone who see’s it, that this story is now officially dead.

60 Minutes: Benghazi

Lara Logan: You have this conversation with the defense attache. You ask him what military assets are on their way. And he says–

Greg Hicks: Effectively, they’re not. And I– for a moment, I just felt lost. I just couldn’t believe the answer. And then I made the call to the Annex chief, and I told him, “Listen, you’ve gotta tell those guys there may not be any help coming.”

Lara Logan: That’s a tough thing to understand. Why?

Greg Hicks: It just is. We–, for us, for the people that go out onto the edge, to represent our country, we believe that if we get in trouble, they’re coming to get us. That our back is covered. To hear that it’s not, it’s a terrible, terrible experience.

The U.S. government today acknowledges the Americans at the U.S. compound in Benghazi were not adequately protected. And says those who carried out the attack are still being hunted down.

Just a few weeks ago, Abu Anas al-Libi was captured for his role in the Africa bombings and the U.S. is still investigating what part he may have played in Benghazi. We’ve learned that this man, Sufian bin Qumu, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee and long-time al Qaeda operative, was one of the lead planners along with Faraj al-Chalabi, whose ties to Osama bin Laden go back more than 15 years. He’s believed to have carried documents from the compound to the head of al Qaeda in Pakistan.

This is psychological warfare and propaganda rolled into one, this is 60 Minutes telling America, “Look, we really tried to find the truth, but we just couldn’t, theirs nothing more to be done here”. This is the beginning of the Fifth Column Treasonous Media eulogies for the STORY about Benghazi. This is part of how important stories are made to disappear. Shoulders are shrugged, heads wagged, and stories become fading memories. Benghazi needs to be put to rest, it could present far to many problems for a Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign, so it has to be buried and made to be only a faded memory. This is the process by which that is done. These are intended to be the start of the closing remarks on the Benghazi Scandal.

The vast majority of Conservative Blogs and Pundits will react with enthusiasm at this story, falsely believing that CBS, for whatever reason has decided to once again engage in journalism. They will do this, because most Conservative Blogs and Pundits still live in denial regarding what role the Fifth Column Treasonous Media is playing in America today. Oh, they know that the Fifth Column Treasonous Media is a blatantly Liberal Biased industry. It’s just so few of them can bring themselves to believe what Andrew Breitbart was saying when he called the Fifth Column Treasonous Media the single most dangerous enemy the United States faced in the world.

Moreover, in that denial is a self enforced blindness to the methodology of propaganda and indoctrination used by the Fifth Column Treasonous Media, technique specifically designed to manipulate what people think and feel based on the information that they carefully deliver, or withhold. In this particular case, blame for Benghazi is carefully being shifted onto the Obamanation Administration is such a manner as to not actually implicate anyone while exonerating Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for what happened in Benghazi.

So far the Fifth Column Treasonous Media strategy regarding Benghazi has been the slow periodic release of tid bits of information in a manner designed to slowly release pressure so that their is no political explosion over what happened. All along it has been done this way to first Protect Barack Insane Obama, and now that he is a lame duck President, to insulate Hillary Clinton from any potential fallout that might harm her Presidential Campaign.

Absolutely nothing in this 60 Minutes Special Report is new or shocking. It exposes nothing that wasn’t already widely known,it raises no clamor for an investigation. Like I said, this is nothing but the Fifth Column Treasonous Media throwing a burial shroud over a story that should have gotten Barack Insane Obama impeached and should prevent Hillary Clinton from even considering a Presidential run. The saddest thing about it all is, that it will most likely work, and it will most likely work because the Conservative Blogsphere and Pundits will fall for it hook line and sinker.

The Boss Tweed of Mordor on the Potomac.

William Magear Tweed, or, as history more frequently refers to him, Boss Tweed, is perhaps America’s most infamous symbolic representation of the corrupt politician. Made infamous by the Tammany Hall scandal and the political corruption exposed in the scandal.


Tweed’s downfall came in the wake of the Orange riot of 1871, which came after Tammany Hall banned a parade of Irish Protestants celebrating a historical victory against Catholicism, because of a riot the year before in which eight people died when a crowd of Irish Catholic laborers attacked the paraders. Under strong pressure from the newspapers and the Protestant elite of the city, Tammany reversed course, and the march was allowed to proceed, with protection from city policemen and state militia. The result was an even larger riot in which over 60 people were killed and more than 150 injured.

Although Tammany’s electoral power base was largely centered in the Irish immigrant population, it also needed the city’s elite to acquiesce in its rule, and this was conditional on the machine’s ability to control the actions of their people, but the July riot showed that this capability was not nearly as strong as had been supposed.[17]
Nast shows Tweed’s source of power: control of the ballot box. “As long as I count the Votes, what are you going to do about it?”

Tweed had for months been under attack from the New York Times and Thomas Nast, the cartoonist from Harper’s Weekly – regarding Nast’s cartoons, Tweed reportedly said, “Stop them damned pictures. I don’t care so much what the papers say about me. My constituents don’t know how to read, but they can’t help seeing them damned pictures!”[18] – but their campaign had only limited success in gaining traction. They were able to force an examination of the city’s books, but the blue-ribbon commission of six businessmen appointed by Mayor A. Oakey Hall, a Tammany man, which included John Jacob Astor III, banker Moses Taylor and others who benefited from Tammany’s actions, found that the books had been “faithfully kept”, letting the air out of the effort to dethrone Tweed.[19]

The response to the Orange riot changed everything, and only days afterwards the Times/Nast campaign began to garner popular support.[19] More importantly, the Times started to receive inside information from County Sheriff James O’Brien, whose support for Tweed had fluctuated during Tammany’s reign. O’Brien had tried to blackmail Tammany by threatening to expose the ring’s embezzlement to the press, and when this failed he provided the evidence he had collected to the Times.[20] Shortly afterward, county auditor Matthew J. O’Rourke supplied additional details to the Times,[20] which was reportedly offered $5 million to not publish the evidence.[21] The Times also obtained the accounts of the recently deceased James Watson, who was the Tweed Ring’s bookkeeper, and these were published daily, culminating in a special four-page supplement on July 29 headlined “Gigantic Frauds of the Ring Exposed”.[19] In August, Tweed began to transfer ownership in his real-estate empire and other investments to his family members.[5]

The exposes provoked an international crisis of confidence in New York City’s finances, and, in particular, in its ability to repay its debts. European investors were heavily positioned in the city’s bonds and were already nervous about its management – only the reputations of the underwriters were preventing a run on the city’s securities. New York’s financial and business community knew that if the city’s credit was to collapse, it could potentially bring down every bank in the city with it.[19]

Thus, the city’s elite met at Cooper Union in September to discuss political reform: but for the first time, the conversation included not only the usual reformers, but also Democratic bigwigs such as Samuel J. Tilden, who had been thrust aside by Tammany. The general consensus was that the “wisest and best citizens” should take over the governance of the city and attempt to restore investor confidence. The result was the formation of the Executive Committee of Citizens and Taxpayers for Financial Reform of the City (also known as “the Committee of Seventy”), which attacked Tammany by cutting off the city’s funding. Property owners refused to pay their municipal taxes, and a judge – Tweed’s old friend George Barnard, no less – enjoined the city Comptroller from issuing bonds or spending money. Unpaid workers turned against Tweed, marching to City Hall demanding to be paid. Tweed doled out some funds from his own purse – $50,000 – but it was not sufficient to end the crisis, and Tammany began to lose its essential base.[19]

Shortly thereafter, the Comptroller resigned, appointing Andrew Haswell Green, an associate of Tilden’s, as his replacement. Green loosened the purse strings again, allowing city departments not under Tammany control to borrow money to operate. Green and Tilden had the city’s records closely examined, and discovered money that went directly from city contractors into Tweed’s pocket. The following day, they had Tweed arrested.[19]

Mordor on the Potomac, also known as Washington DC, is now being shown to be run little different than New York City’s infamous Tammany Hall, with the position of Boss Tweed being played by both the Speaker of the House and the Majority leader of the Senate. The current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is proving himself to be no less corrupt than the previous Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, who was so corrupt that she made William Magear Tweed, New York Cities infamous Boss Tweed, look like a genuine Boy Scout.

John Boehner just happens to have the misfortune of being the Speaker of the House when the corruption that has become institutional is being exposed. Boehner, like Boss Tweed before him is even now attempting to prevent this corruption from coming to light by attacking those bring it to light. Where Boss Tweed attacked Thomas Nast, the cartoonist from Harper’s Weekly, in a failed effort to prevent Nast’s political cartoons from being published, John Boehner and company are now attacking Peter Schweizer, whose well researched and extensively documented book “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets” exposes just how deep the rabbit hole of corruption in Mordor on the Potomac really goes.

Mr. Boehner’s War

House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) spokesperson Brendan Buck has issued an unsubstantiated statement to the National Journal attacking the character and credibility of Breitbart News Senior Editor-At-Large and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer.

This week, Schweizer, who is the William J. Casey Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, released his new investigative book, Extortion. Schweizer’s corruption exposé, backed by GAI’s professional research staff, was featured Sunday night on 60 Minutes with veteran CBS reporter Steve Kroft and has received glowing praise across the political pantheon from everyone from Schweizer’s former boss, former Gov. Sarah Palin, to the editorial board of the New York Times. Sean Hannity says the book is “excellent” and highlighted its “600 footnotes.”

Schweizer’s last New York Times bestseller, Throw Them All Out, exposed insider trading by members of Congress and prompted an ethics investigation into curiously-timed trades by now-retiring Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL). Bachus subsequently stepped down from his chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee. Schweizer’s book also prompted passage of the STOCK (Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge) Act. As Slate put it, Schweizer published “the book that started the STOCK Act stampede.” The late Andrew Breitbart was the first to call for Bachus’s resignation. Bachus was the only member of Congress Breitbart ever called on to resign.

In reference to Schweizer’s new book’s revelations involving Speaker John Boehner’s “toll booth” donation extraction scheme, Boehner’s spokesman Brendan Buck said this:

“The idea that floor votes are scheduled based on campaign contributions is absurd. This ‘expert’ is utterly cluelessness about the legislative process and guilty of pathetically sloppy research. For starters, the short period of time these bills saw between committee action and floor consideration – less than a week in one instance – could not possibly be called a ‘delay.’ This ‘expert’ did not even bother to contact our office. If he had, we would have been happy to explain the facts. He should probably read ‘Congress for Dummies’ before he starts making bogus and salacious claims to sell books.”

Forthcoming Breitbart News investigative reports will reveal the grievously erroneous nature of Buck’s statement.

There have been a great many members of the Republican Base who have long suspected that John Boehner was not working on the behalf of the Republican Base, that the Republican Leadership were betraying the Base. When Boehner and so many others within the Republican Leadership joined in the choir attacking the TEA Party, it became impossible to find valid justifications for thinking that it was anything other than a case of fratricide. The Old Guard Establishment was clearly attempting to protect their own corrupt positions of power and money.

Those self identifying with the TEA Party, contrary to the avalanche of lies and disinformation put forth by the Democrats and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media, are not extremists or terrorist or hostage takers. They are just average American’s who are sick and tired of the institutionalized corruption that has become the hallmark of Mordor the Potomac. While the majority of the TEA Party folk are Conservative Republicans, they are by no stretch of the imagination exclusively Republicans.

When former Rep. Steve LaTourette of Ohio, quoted Barack Insane Obama, “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.” in his opening attack on TEA Party fellow Republicans, it kind of makes you wonder who Rep. Steve LaTourette of Ohio is taking his marching orders from doesn’t it.

Peter Schweizer has pulled the curtain back and exposed the corruption hidden behind it, now those men who were hiding their corruption behind that velvet curtain are scrambling to get the curtain back in place before anyone notices what Peter Schweizer exposed, and by way of getting the curtain back in place they are attacking Peter Schweizer’s creditability. Discredit Peter Schweizer, and you discredit his expose. It is the exact same tactic being used against the TEA Party Republicans, the TEA Party Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to bring an end to the institutionalized corruption that infects Washington DC like a plague. The Democrats, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and the Republican Old Guard Establishment Leadership are fighting just as hard to keep it alive.

In the months leading up to the 2014 mid term elections the Democrats, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and the Republican Old Guard Establishment Leadership are going to spread lies, misinformation deceits and propaganda designed to lead you to believe that the TEA Party Republicans are no different than the Taliban or Al Qaeda, terrorist and bomb throws who need to be purged from the Republican Party. But the real truth is, that their only sin, is wanting to put an end to the institutional corruption that Peter Schweizer exposed in “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets.”

When you have been compromised.

If you have seen the movie 300, then you know that King Leonidas and his Spartan Warriors were not so much defeated by the legions of Xerxes, as they were betrayed by a fellow Spartan. Traitors and Infiltrators are a brutal fact of life. It’s one of those area’s in life, where, at best, the movies copy real life rather accurately. In the recent movie, “Olympus has Fallen” an infiltrator works his way into a position of trust within the South Korean Government while another does so within the Whitehouse.

Their treachery nearly causes a World War. History is likewise replete with stories of traitors in very high positions betraying their own people. Benedict Arnold is a perfect example of just such a highly placed and trusted individual betraying his own people. Sadly Infiltrators and traitors are not just the stuff of history or the movies. They are a genuine real fact of life.

American politics is choking to death on infiltrators and traitors, they work their way into positions of power and trust for the purpose of sabotaging from the inside. Today, many infiltrators are pretending to be Conservative journalist or pundits, in reality, they are Liberal/Marxists working to move the Republican Conservative base to the left of the political spectrum. Here is an example of how those infiltrators work.

Inside the Messy but Moneyed Republican Plan to Neutralize the Tea Party

It took a tea party insurrection that disabled the federal government and wrecked the Republican brand, but after months of handwringing, establishment Republicans are preparing to attack ultra-conservative ideologues across red America.

From Alabama to Alaska, the center-right, business-oriented wing of the Republican Party is gearing up for a series of skirmishes that it hopes can prevent the 2014 mid-term election from turning into another missed opportunity. But this will not be a coordinated operation. It will be messy, ugly, and prone to backfiring. And if the comeback succeeds, it will be in fits and starts, most likely culminating in the selection of a presidential nominee in 2016.

“Hopefully we’ll go into eight to 10 races and beat the snot out of them,” said former Rep. Steve LaTourette of Ohio, whose new political group, Defending Main Street, aims to raise $8 million to fend off tea party challenges against more mainstream Republican incumbents. “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.”

The caterwauling over the GOP brand ramped up after President Obama’s re-election and a handful of setbacks in the Senate before hitting full screech as the country hurtled toward default. For some Republicans, the time for soul-searching is over. “This is a battle we have to fight,” said Republican consultant John Feehery, a former adviser to top Republican leaders on Capitol Hill. “We can’t just lie down and let this happen.”

Tactics being discussed among Republican strategists, donors, and party leaders include running attack ads against tea party candidates for Congress; overthrowing Ron Paul’s libertarian acolytes dominating the Iowa and Minnesota state parties; promoting open primaries over nominating conventions, like the ones that produced Republican hardliners like Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli and shutdown-instigator Mike Lee of Utah; and countering political juggernauts Heritage Action, the Club for Growth, and FreedomWorks that target Republican incumbents who have consorted with Democrats.

LaTourette’s Defending Main Street group has identified its first project: defending Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho. The Club for Growth threw its support to a tea-party challenger, Bryan Smith, because Simpson backed the $700 million Wall Street bailout, raising the debt ceiling, and a budget deal that staved off last year’s “fiscal cliff” crisis.

Defending Main Street also is keeping an eye on other House Republicans who have drawn the wrath of the Club for Growth, including Aaron Schock and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, who is running for the Senate.

But there are many more races drawing the attention of Republican insiders who fear the tea party – and the public’s growing distaste for the movement – is jeopardizing GOP control of the House and a potential Senate takeover. Consider:

Beth Reinhard is a Liberal Marxist propaganda artist pretending to be a Journalist. That she writes blatantly obvious propaganda of this nature is no surprise to anyone with two functional brain cells. That so many supposedly Conservative bloggers, pundits and policy wonks insist on quoting her as though she were objectively reporting facts is what is both surprising and disturbing.

it’s the kind of thing that should be a clue that there are infiltrators in your midst. Kind of like the clue Sam Becket finds in Quantum Leap when he finds a Navy Seal Radio tuned to 47.30 megahertz. At the time it strikes him as odd, but he doesn’t think anything of it. Only later when he discovers that the Vietcong are using that frequency to communicate does he realize that he and his squad are being lead into an ambush.

Here is a clue for the average Conservative Republican, it’s like Sam finding that radio tuned to 47.30 megahertz, the Democrats and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media absolutely hate the TEA Party Conservatives. Now the GOP Leadership are preparing to wag a civil war against the TEA Party Conservatives. Ask yourself this, if knowing how much the Democrats and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media hate the TEA Party Conservatives, why would the GOP Leadership also hate and want to wage war on 1/3 to 1/2 of their own Base?

The answer is and has been staring you in the face for almost 4 years. The answer is as ugly as it gets, it’s the same brutal painful truth General George Washington was forced to face when his good friend and trusted General Benedict Arnold attempted to betray him. The Republican Base is being betrayed by it’s own so called leadership, for much the same pathetic reason that Benedict Arnold attempted to betray General George Washington.

The members of the TEA Party are not terrorists, they are not Taliban extremists, what they are is average American citizens who are fed up with the corruption flowing out of Mordor on the Potomac.

For Sale; 1 Congress, 1 million Dollars or best offer…

Part 2: For sale; 1 Congress, Making Extortion pay…

Corruption that the republican Leadership are every bit as compliant in as the Democrats. Sarah Plain had a reputation in Alaska for fighting exactly that kind of corruption, whether in the Democrat Party or in her own Republican Party, that’s why the Democrats, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and even John McCains own people had to destroy her. it’s why Speaker John Boehner found it necessary to purge the GOP Leadership of all TEA Party members from any powerful committees. Because what the TEA Party people want, is to bring about an end to the culture of corruption that permeates Mordor on the Potomac. John Boenher, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and the other powerful members of the Republican Party Leadership have made far to much money working the corrupt system to allow the TEA Party to come in and bring an end to their gravy-train.

So now, like Benedict Arnold the GOP Leadership is attempting to betray the TEA Party. They are doing so in the hopes of retaining their positions of power, positions from which they have looted America’s treasuries for their own personal profit.

The Propaganda Machines begin to spin up.

The American people have once again gone off the reservation and must be herded back on before catastrophe strikes. Obamanationcare has taken a huge hit in popularity (Hard to imagine since it has always been profoundly unpopular) since the Grabberment Shutdown that, well, technically really wasn’t a Shutdown since it only affects 15 percent of the Federal hydra.

Approval of Affordable Care Act Inches Up

PRINCETON, NJ — Despite the highly publicized technical issues that have plagued the government’s health insurance exchange website that went live on Oct. 1, Americans’ views of the Affordable Care Act are slightly more positive now than they were in August. Forty-five percent now approve of the law, while 50% disapprove, for a net approval score of -5. In June and August, net approval was slightly lower, at -8.

Trend: Americans’ Views of the Affordable Care Act

These results come from a Gallup poll conducted Oct. 18-20, a few days after the end of the recent government shutdown — which centered on partisan debates over funding the healthcare law — and as media coverage of the poorly functioning health exchange sites increased. The results suggest that the problems with the health exchanges have not negatively affected Americans’ overall views of the law, at least to this point.

While Americans’ approval of the healthcare law is slightly higher than earlier this year, other Gallup research shows that the majority of Americans would still like Congress to modify the ACA in some way — repealing it entirely, scaling it back, or expanding it.

Make no mistake about it, and do not allow yourself to be deceived, this is not a poll of actual public opinion, it is in fact nothing less than propaganda and indoctrination informing you what you are supposed to believe. The concept behind this kind of propaganda and indoctrination is that most people want and need to feel that they are normal, average, sophisticated citizens. That when informed that what they believe is out of sync with the majority of society, they will accordingly modify their beliefs and opinions to return to being in touch with the majority of society.

Politicians and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media have been using this technique to deceive and manipulate the general public for a very long time. They use it, because quite frankly it works. The average person is just too disconnected from politics and too busy in their own personal lives to do the research to find out if they are being lied to or manipulated. When they do spend a few of their precious minutes to do any research, that research is usually rendered utterly useless by something known as bias conformation. In other words, they only seek out information that reinforces what they already have been told to believe is true.

Since Obamanationcare has never, despite what the Obamanation Administration and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media have claimed, been popular, it cannot have taken a hit in popularity.

Edit: Somebody apparently hasn’t gotten the New and Improved Journolist Talking Points Memo.

Americans Losing Faith in Obamacare

New polls suggest it’s not just tech glitches endangering the health-reform law, but also a crisis of confidence

The recent government shutdown may have distracted some Americans from the bungled rollout of Obamacare, but a new Pew survey shows many people are well aware of just how bad things are for the law’s new insurance websites. Forty-six percent of Americans polled on Oct. 9 to 13, while the shutdown was in full swing, said the Affordable Care Act’s online insurance exchanges were working “not too well” or “not working at all.”

While about 41% of Americans approve of the ACA, according to Pew, negative public perception of the exchanges could hinder the administration’s plan to enroll 7 million people in private health plans through the exchanges by the end of 2014. Before the error-riddled launch on Oct. 1, the White House promised the exchanges would be easy-to-use tools, allowing consumers to compare and buy insurance policies in the same way they book travel or buy books online. The harder the exchange websites are to use — or the harder consumers think they are to use — the less likely people are to log on or sign up. These persistent problems mean many of those who have enrolled so far have done so only after making multiple attempts to navigate slow and crash-prone websites.

While President Obama sought to reassure the public in a speech on Monday that exchange-website malfunctions were being fixed, a separate poll found that many believe technical problems plaguing the websites may indicate that the entire law is broken. A Washington Post–ABC News poll conducted Oct 17 to 20 and released Oct. 21 found that 56% of those surveyed believed the “website glitches” are “part of a broader problem with the health care law.”

Part 2: For sale; 1 Congress, Making Extortion pay…

Once again taking excerpts from Peter Schweizer exceptional book, “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes and Line Their Own Pockets.” A book which I might add should be required reading for EVERY American Citizen.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — WE have long assumed that the infestation of special interest money in Washington is at the root of so much that ails our politics. But what if we’ve had it wrong? What if instead of being bribed by wealthy interests, politicians are engaged in a form of legal extortion designed to extract campaign contributions?

Consider this: of the thousands of bills introduced in Congress each year, only roughly 5 percent become law. Why do legislators bother proposing so many bills? What if many of those bills are written not to be passed but to pressure people into forking over cash?

This is exactly what is happening. Politicians have developed a dizzying array of legislative tactics to bring in money.

Take the maneuver known inside the Beltway as the “tollbooth.” Here the speaker of the House or a powerful committee chairperson will create a procedural obstruction or postponement on the eve of an important vote. Campaign contributions are then implicitly solicited. If the tribute offered by those in favor of the bill’s passage is too small (or if the money from opponents is sufficiently high), the bill is delayed and does not proceed down the legislative highway.

House Speaker John A. Boehner appears to be a master of the tollbooth. In 2011, he collected a total of over $200,000 in donations from executives and companies in the days before holding votes on just three bills. He delayed scheduling a vote for months on the widely supported Wireless Tax Fairness Act, and after he finally announced a vote, 37 checks from wireless-industry executives totaling nearly $40,000 rolled in. He also delayed votes on the Access to Capital for Job Creators Act and the Small Company Capital Formation Act, scoring $91,000 from investment banks and private equity firms, $32,450 from bank holding companies and $46,500 from self-described investors — all in the 48 hours between scheduling the vote and the vote’s actually being held on the House floor.

Another tactic that politicians use is something beltway insiders call “milker bills.” These are bills designed to “milk” donations from threatened individuals or businesses. The real trick is to pit two industries against each other and pump both for donations, thereby creating a “double milker” bill.

President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. seemed to score big in 2011 using the milker tactic in connection with two bills: the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act. By pitting their supporters in Silicon Valley who opposed the bills against their allies in Hollywood who supported the measures, Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden were able to create a sort of fund-raising arms race.

In the first half of 2011, Silicon Valley had chipped in only $1.7 million to Mr. Obama’s political campaign. The president announced that he would “probably” sign antipiracy legislation — a stance that pleased Hollywood and incensed Silicon Valley. The tech industry then poured millions into Mr. Obama’s coffers in the second half of 2011. By January of 2012, Hollywood had donated $4.1 million to Mr. Obama.

Then, suddenly, on Jan. 14, 2012, the White House announced that it had problems with the antipiracy bills and neither passed. “He didn’t just throw us under the bus,” one film executive and longtime supporter of Mr. Obama anonymously told The Financial Times, “he ran us down, reversed the bus and ran over us again.”

To be sure, not all legislative maneuvers are extortive; sincere and conscientious political deeds occur. Still, the idea that Washington gridlock is an outgrowth of rank partisanship and ideological entrenchment misses a more compelling explanation of our political stasis: gridlock, legislative threats and fear help prime the donation pump.

The reason these fund-raising extortion tactics succeed is that politicians deploy them while bills are making their way through Congress, when lawmakers possess maximum leverage. That’s why at least 27 state legislatures have put restrictions on allowing state politicians to receive contributions while their legislatures are in session.

Why not do the same in Washington? It would reduce politicians’ penchant for cashing in on manufactured crises. Perhaps it would even compel Congress to be more efficient while in session.

We have focused for too long on protecting politicians from special interests. It’s time we stop pitying the poor politicians and start being wary of them — for they play the shakedown game as well as anyone.

While many of our fellow citizen would dearly love to believe otherwise (and have you believe otherwise), Peter Schweizer book is not tin-foil hat conspiracy material. It is well researched and extensively documented. If anything, what Peter is guilty of, is downplaying the significance of what his research uncovered.

For Sale; 1 Congress, 1 million Dollars or best offer…

How do you define corruption, is it mere mendacious malfeasance, or is it something more tangible?

Exclusive–Documents: Congress Charges Secret Fee to Land Top Committee Spots

Members of Congress must pay secret fees known as “party dues” to the Democratic and Republican parties to secure and maintain top committee chairmanships and assignments, newly uncovered internal documents reveal.

The never-before-published lists are reprinted inside the new book Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets, written by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.

Senior congressional staffers say the committee price lists have long been rumored to exist but that few people on Capitol Hill have seen them, giving them an almost “mythical” quality.

The book contains copies of the Democratic and Republican price lists detailing how much money lawmakers must raise to obtain and keep their seats on congressional committees. The so-called “party dues” lawmakers must contribute for committee assignments are separate and apart from the fundraising they conduct for their own campaigns. If lawmakers fail to make their tribute payment to their party, they can lose their place on a powerful committee.

“These party dues are not voluntary,” writes Schweizer. “Members are not asked to pay—they are required to pay.”

In the 2013-2014 election cycle, the going rate for a Democratic assignment as the ranking member on a top committee like the House Ways and Means or Financial Services Committees is $500,000. Schweizer reports that Democrats also use a “members points system” that rewards its members for attending party fundraisers.

Prices on the Republican House committee list are higher due to the GOP’s House majority—a fact that creates even greater opportunities for lawmakers to extract donations from the industries a committee oversees. According to Schweizer, the GOP price sheet is actually posted on the wall of the Republican Congressional Committee and contains red marks beside the names of lawmakers who fall behind on their party dues.

GOP prices for committee posts vary widely. For example, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), who is the chairman of the influential Energy and Commerce Committee, is expected to extract $990,000 from donors for the GOP. The chairman of the less powerful House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, is required to bag just $405,000.

When a woman (or a man) sells their sexual favors, society pretty much as a whole calls them whores. It’s not a pretty word, and it carries a very ugly stigma. But what both the Democrats and the Republicans are doing is so vile it makes being called a whore seem downright respectable.

These committees that various members of Congress are buying their way unto are the very same committees that decide which laws get passed, what taxes get levied, and how much spending the United States Federal Government engages in. More importantly, these are the exact same committees that decide that members of Congress shall be exempted from the very laws that they saddle the entire rest of the nation with. Like exempting themselves from Obamanationcare, or from Insider Trading Laws.

These committees include the utterly and totally corrupt House Ethics Committee which is tasked with ensuring that members of Congress obey the nations laws.

Let be honest here and face reality, nobody pays millions dollars to get a job that pays $150,000 a year if they don’t think they are going to get those millions back. Look at how many Congressmen and Senators are straight up multimillionaires. Harry Reid made millions by buying land cheap, that he knew was going to be purchased by the Federal Government. Dianne Fienstien illegally funneled hundreds of BILLIONS of federal dollars to her husbands company.

Through the use of Continuing Resolutions Congress has made in excess of 7 TRILLION DOLLARS vanish into thin air. No one in the entire Federal Government can account for where that money went. This is corruption and pure outright theft on a scale so massive even people who KNOW that it is taking place can’t believe that it is just that, corruption and theft.

The Department of Injustice has been bought off and compromised, even the SCOTUS, the Highest Court in the Land does not have clean hands in this. This is corruption beyond anything ever seen anywhere or when in human history. This is a genuine case of not just the Foxes guarding the Hen-house, but the Foxes Mother writing them a note asserting that the Foxes had nothing to do with the Chickens disappearance, and the Courts accepting her note as factual evidence.

Congress has the lowest approval rating in the entire history of Congress, yet these crooks continue to get reelected, and they keep getting reelected because despite their abysmal approval rating, nearly everyone insists on believing the painfully obvious lie, that their Congressperson or senator is the one good Congressperson or Senator. when the truth is, that the only ones who are complete and total crooks, liars and thieves, are the ones who haven’t been in Congress long enough to buy important positions of power and authority yet.

The system is literally designed to ensure that every person elected to office becomes a criminal. More importantly, the ones tasked with ensuring that this does not happen, are the very ones that guarantee that not only does it happen, but that nothing is ever done to reform the system.