Oppenheimer was wrong.

In 1945 Dr Robert Oppenheimer famously quoted the Bhagavad Gita upon witnessing the first nuclear detonation code named Trinity “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. It was his belief that having spearheaded the Manhattan Projects creation of nuclear weapons, that he had opened the door to the inevitable world destroying use of those weapons.

The truth however is, that from the moment that Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-Rays the creation of nuclear weapons was as inevitable as death and taxes. Whether they would ever be used on any scale was never an open question. They would be used, the only question was, how many times and by whom.

The one guarantee regarding their use after the American use against the Empire of Japan to bring world war 2 to an end, was that the next time they were used it would be an act of desperation by a nation believing that it had no other viable option.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin now finds himself in that tragic and unenviable position. Just as world war 1 was predicated upon a series of tragic and entirely avoidable miscalculations, so Russia’s use of nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian war will be the result of a series of tragic and entirely avoidable miscalculations.

The European Union and NATO’s insistence on forcing Russia into a corner by literally placing nuclear armed NATO nations on Russia’s borders is the result of both systemic and endemic corruption within the leadership of NATO. Hiding their corruption under the masquerade of preventing Russia from reconstituting the Soviet Union, the EU is really after nothing less than money and power for its unelected bureaucrats and corrupt politicians.

To this mix, add corrupt American politicians who for decades have been using Ukraine as a money laundring operation to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

There have been numerous corrupt American politicians throughout American history. The story is always the same. Use their position as elected officials to put their thumbs on the economic scales for their own personal benefit. Dianne Feinstein’s illegal funneling of hundreds of billions of dollars to her husbands company is legendary, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s theft of billions of dollars through their fake charity organization is epic, Harry Reid’s criminal use of insider knowledge to purchase land he knew that the federal government was about to purchase and Nancy Pelosi’s use of insider knowledge to purchase and sell stocks are first rate white collar insider trading.

Every single act of political corruption in American history pales in comparison however, to what the Biden Family Crime syndicate is attempting to do right now. Joseph Robinette Biden is literally attempting to start a nuclear war in Ukraine with Russia to hide his own illegal money laundring in Ukraine.

Biden and NATO keep pretending that they believe Putin will back down when push comes to nuclear shove. Yes, they are 100 percent pretending. Keeping the world from seeing the extent of their corruption is exactly why they are pushing Russia;s Putin into a corner which leaves Putin with no other recourse than to use nuclear weapons.

The evidence of this is utterly indisputable, decades of Putin’s actions in Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine make it 100 percent that Russia will not back down and 100 percent will eventually respond with nuclear weapons if Biden and NATO continue on their current path. As far as Putin and Russia are concerned, Biden and NATO have already crossed the Rubicon and started a nuclear world war 3. The absolute only way the war in Ukraine doesn’t go nuclear, is if NATO and Biden stop forcing a nuclear war on Russia.

Neither Biden nor NATO have any intention of backing down, as doing so guarantees that their criminal corruption and money laundering in Ukraine will come out, and lots of bureaucrats and Biden crime family members will go to prison.

So yes, Dr Robert Oppenheimer was wrong, he did not become death, the destroyer of world’s, that title will go to Joseph Robinette Biden, who is intentionally starting a nuclear war to hide his criminal activities in Ukraine.

The American Conservative Delusion.

Conservatives in America, primarily members of the Republican party base, have suffered for decades under one delusion after another. The delusions remain virtually the same, what changes, is who feeds those delusions. Let me list those delusions for you, its a fairly short list.

  1. The GOP Establishment wont betray their base this time.
  2. The GOP Establishment will fight to win this time.
  3. The GOP Establishment will enact meaningful reforms.
  4. The GOP Establishment is fiscally conservative.
  5. The GOP Establishment will finally force a balanced budget through congress.

Like I said, its a pretty short list. Every 2 years new congressional representatives are elected. Every 2 years the GOP base is deceived into believing that these new representatives will enact meaningful changes. That the will of the party base will finally be respected and acted on. And every 2 years anything but that happens.

The GOP Establishment proves to be every bit as fiscally reckless as the Democrats. The GOP Establishment proves to be every bit as corrupt as the Democrats.

Enter 2023. The Republican party narrowly regained control of the House of Representatives. A Kabuki theater contentious Speaker of the House election goes 15 rounds before the well documented Republican In Name Only Kevin McCarthy is finally elected Speaker of the House, but only after granting symbolic concessions to the House Freedom Caucus.

I genuinely wish that the GOP party base would finally wake up and understand the most basic and fundamental aspect of American governance in the 21st century. The GOP Establishment neither has the will, nor the ability to enact any significant or meaningful changes.

The true delusion American conservative are laboring under, is that the members of congress, both House and Senate have any ability to actually do anything. Wake the fuck up, they not only do not, but wouldn’t even if they could.The American Government suffered a full blown Marxist Socialist Coup. Not in 2020, not in 2010, but back in the early 1960s. President John F Kennedy was the first fatality of that coup.

The Deep State, in other-words, unelected bureaucrats, unaccountable senior executive level administration officials have successfully overthrown the entire United States Government, from the Federal all the way down to the smallest city and county level. Elected officials come and go, but unelected bureaucrats remain until they retire or die.

Its those unelected bureaucrats who actually make all the decisions. If they don’t like what the elected official does, they either completely ignore it, slow walk it, or…. Arrange for said elected official to either be removed from office or lose their next election.

Yes, that is exactly what happened to President Donald Trump. First they tried to remove him from office, and when that failed, they rigged the 2020 election to ensure that he lost.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy will say whatever is required for him to retain the speakers gavel, but just as he and Senator Mitch McConnell ensured that the Republican party did not gain a substantial control over the House and Senate, McCarthy will torpedo, sabotage, if you will, any attempts made by the Freedom Caucus to enact significant or meaningful reforms.

Its all Kabuki Theater, and the real conservative delusion is that it is anything but Kabuki theater.

Corruption beyond corruption

Why did the Department of Justice target Mar a Lago?

For the exact same reason that Joe Biden admitted to having stolen classified documents at his home and Penn State offices.

It was done 100 percent for the exact same reason. That reason? To permanently conceal criminal acts taken by members of the Deep State.

What was President Donald Trump hiding at Mar a Lago? Trump was hiding felony criminal document regarding the FBI’s illegal and unconstitutional surveillance of presidential candidate Donald J Trump. The program was called “Crossfire Hurricane”.

By creating a criminal investigation into President Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents, the Department of Justice was able to confiscate documents that proved that the FBI and Department of Justice officials had committed multiple felony criminal acts and prevent them from ever being disclosed in court or to the general public. In short, they used lawfare to conceal their own misfeasance and criminal activities.

This is the exact same thing they are doing with Vice President Joe Biden’s theft of classified documents.

President Donald Trump had the legal and constitutional authority to declassify any document he wanted to. Period, full stop. All he had to do, is say it was declassified. Vice President Joe Biden did not have that authority, again, period, full stop.

This is how corrupt the Department of Justice is.

Goodbye 2022

2022 has proven to be a very interesting to say the very least.

For decades America has had a thriving conspiracy theory community. People who peddled every imaginable conspiracy theory. From who killed John F Kennedy, to alien reptile overlords ruling the world. Thousands of books on virtually every imaginable conspiracy have fueled this community, made a lot of people wealthy, and generally amused millions of Americans.

The key words here, is amused. Besides the thousands of conspiracy theory books sold every years there are also the TV series, movies and Youtube videos. Perhaps nothing had aided the proliferation of conspiracy theories more than Youtube. Literally anyone with a webcam, internet connection, computer and crazy theory suddenly had a platform from which to pontificate their favorite crazy theory.

Those conspiracy theory videos racked up 10s of millions of views. Not so much because the people watching the videos believed the crazy theories, but for their sheer lunacy entertainment value. The vast majority of conspiracy theory viewers watch the various and sundry conspiracy theory videos and laughed their asses off.

From the giant government conspiracy theories, literally far to many to count, to the videos purporting to show Hillary Clinton’s reptile eyes opening and closing sideways. Alien bases on the Moon and Mars? More than you can shake a stick at. From the mythical planet Niribu and the Anunnaki space aliens that seeded intelligent life on earth, to flat earth, hollow earth and four square space. There simply isn’t a subject you can imagine that doesn’t has at the minimum several crazy conspiracies attached to it.

And then came the year 2022.

In 2022 conspiracy theories literally went mainstream. They went mainstream because so many theories that had been proposed during 2020 and 2021, theories that the Mainstream Media and the Government assured everyone were crazy conspiracy theories turned out, to not be crazy conspiracy theories after all.

Yes, Covid19 was created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funded by Dr Anthony Fauci. Yes the mRNA vaccine is not a real vaccine and is in fact an experimental gene therapy which is the most lethal drug every released purporting to be a legitimate pharmaceutical. The last time we saw a drug as toxic as the mRNA vaccines was probably the 1957 release of Thalidomide.

Yes, the Trump Russia collusion was in fact a hoax concocted by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party, and pushed to the Mainstream Media by the FBI, CIA and NSA. As was the Ukraine phone call impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Yes, the FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA really were colluding with Big Tech and Social Media to violate the first amendment rights of the political opponents of the Marxist Democrat party.

Yes, the Ukraine war really is the largest money laundering scheme in American political history. Yes, Sam Bankman-Fried through his crypto ponzi scheme company FTX really did steal and launder hundreds of billions of dollars back to American Democrats.

Yes, Hunter Biden is a criminal, yes Joe Biden is the Big Guy, and no Hunter Bidens laptop from hell is not Russian disinformation, but is in fact 100 percent real and proof of Joe Bidens criminal activities.

Yes, the Mainstream Media really does lie more often than they tell the truth. Virtually every story pushed by the mainstream media turned out to not only be wrong, but an intentional lie. Global warming, check, Covid19, check, Trump Russia collusion, check.

Oh… and Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald really was a CIA agent.

Yes, the 2020 presidential election really was stolen from Trump.

Now mind you, all I have done here is to scratch the surface of the conspiracy theories that were proposed in 2020 and 2021 that have actually been proven to be factually correct and not conspiracy theories at all.

2023 promises to be an even more interesting and damaging to the already profoundly damaged reputations of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, Democrat Party and the Mainstream Media.

As 2022 comes to an end, the majority of Americans now believe that the two greatest threats to America are not Russia or China, but the Mainstream Media and the Democrat party. Followed closely by the Deep State, which most Americans believe consists primarily of top executive level unelected Democrat bureaucrats in virtual every branch of the United States Federal Government. Bureaucrats who have leveraged their positions of governmental authority to control the majority of Americas Big Tech and Financial industries.

As we enter 2023, more Americans than ever before in Americas history actively distrust the American government, both federal and state. They don’t believe that American elections are fair, transparent or honest. They don’t believe that Americas politicians have Americas best interests in mind, and are in fact intentionally and with a full forethought of malice betraying America for personal financial profit.

Take what you will from this. Americas future literally hangs in the balance. What you do, or do not do, will decide Americas future.

Rise of the Fourth Reich

For decades people all around the world have asked the same question. How could the German people have fallen under the spell of Adolph Hitler. How could the Nazi’s have taken control of Germany?

Yale University Psychologist Stanley Milgram’s 1961 shock experiment, and the 1971 Standford Prison experiment both shed light on that question. But, both experiments failed in that, neither experiment took into account the teaching of Karl Marx.

Nazi Germany was, at its core, a Marxist political organization. Nazi is a noun and an acronym for National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Karl Marx is the father of modern day socialism. According to Marx, there are three steps to a perfect social order.

  1. Socialism
  2. Communism
  3. Marxism

The first stage is socialism, followed by communism and finally full blown Marxism. Despite what the modern day followers of Marx would like everyone to believe, yes, the Nazi’s were socialists. The transformation of any society to a Marxist Socialist society requires a umber of carefully orchestrated shifts of that societies Overton Window.

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse.

The people have to be stripped of their beliefs in God, desensitized to violence and robbed of any sense of moral or ethical belief in themselves as a corporate whole.

World War ones loss by Germany went a very long way to destroying the German peoples belief in themselves as a moral and ethical people, it shattered their belief in God and desensitized them to violence. Adolph Hitler was able to employ the tactics of Karl Marx to push the German people over the edge with propaganda and political violence until the German people fell victim to very human condition psychological conditions outlined by both the Milgram experiment and the Standford Prison experiment.

Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Joesph Stalin and Mao Zedong never had social media. They never had the internet, instant communication or broadcast television. But, they did have cancel culture. Cancel culture in fact is as Marxist of a concept as has ever existed. Stalin, Hitler and Mao all used it to decimate any decent. Stalin famously air brushed people out of photographs who had fallen out of favor with him. Mao erased entire villages for their failure to follow his shining path.

Historically speaking, cancel culture has always been a tool used by Marxists to control an already subjugated population. East Germany’s Stasi and the Soviet Unions KGB came to be among the most feared agents of Marxist cancel culture. When the Stasi or the KGB canceled you, they did it by burying your tortured corpse in a shallow unmarked grave. Your neighbors knew all about your midnight disappearance, they knew who was responsible, and they knew that whatever it was that happened to you, was not something that they wanted happening them themselves.

Twitter and Facebook are engaging in a virtual version of cancel culture. From a psychological perspective the impact of virtual cancel culture is nearly identical to that of Marxist cancel culture. Everyone knows who is responsible and that they do not what to be the next to be canceled even if it is merely a virtual canceling.

America has been under assault by various sects of Marxism for over a century. Academia, Entertainment, Politics, Corporate Business and Religion fell to these Marxist infiltrators decades ago. Big Tech like Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook are the vanguards of Marxism in America. The Democrat Party is a organized crime syndicate masquerading as a political party, it is America’s Nazi Party. It is less interested in political Marxism then it is raw unbridled political power. But there is no question that the Democrats see Marxism as a useful mechanism to achieve that end goal.

How did the German people allow themselves to fall sway to Adolph Hitlers Nazi party? The exact same way that the American people are allowing themselves to fall under the sway of the Democrat party. All the Democrats are missing is a dynamic charismatic individual to rally the people around.

The Democrats set up the conditions that would allow them to introduce their own Adolph Hitler, which is no doubt why they hate Former President Donald Trump so much. Trump is exactly the sort of dynamic charismatic individual who could seal their final hold on political power in America. Except, Trump just happens to love the United States Constitution and the Representative Republic that it is the foundation of.

America is currently in its darkest hours. It has not been as politically divided as it now is since the Civil War. There is a Marxist coup underway led by the Democrat Party. The only thing standing between the Marxist Democrats and the successful competition of their Marxist coup, are the supporters of Donald Trump.

The Democrats have unleashed their SS Brownshirts, aka Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They have been engaging in political terrorism for nearly 7 years now. Anyone opposing the Democrats is subject to cancellation, not merely virtual cancellation, but financial cancellation as well. You stand to not only be cancelled from social media, but to lose your job, your home and everything you own as well.

The fight isn’t over, even if Donald Trump manages to retake the Whitehouse in 2024, it wont be over.

RIP Edward Van Halen

As those of you who have followed this blog probably already know, back in the mid 1980’s to mid 1990s I was a full on ASCAP card carrying professional musician, composer and publisher.

Sadly, as such I never had the chance to actually meet Edward Van Halen, thought without a doubt he was one of if not the single most significant influence on me as a musician.

I believe I missed meeting him at Jerry Garcia’s 50th birthday party by 15 minutes or so.

My career was never as illustrious or prolific as Eddies. I was, at best, a sideman for others. I left the music industry in 1996 after the death of my close friend and bass player, William Rill, who was tragically killed in a hit and run accident.

Bill was one of the founding members of the band Styx.

When I learned of Eddies death today, it came as a violent gut punch.

My Grandfather, my Father, two of my brothers and my sister all died of cancer. Hearing of how Eddie died hit me very hard. As my sister and brother Cliff died in a very similar manner.

Both had lung cancer which eventually spread to their brains and killed them.

Cancer has haunted my family like a evil spirit bent on malevolent destruction.

To Eddies family, I am nothing, nobody. Just another stranger muttering inconsolable words and empty platitudes. Eddie was to me, a source of inspiration. More importantly, though I know it will never reach them, I find it necessary to say.

Having suffered the deaths of so many of my own loved ones to cancer, to Valerie and Wolfe, and to Alex, I understand the pain you feel, for it has been my own pain.

You have my condolences and compassion. Eddie, in your lives may not have been the perfect father, husband or brother, I am no judge of what living with him was like. But I know the pain of losing a family member, good, bad or indifferent.

To the family remaining of Edward Van Halen, you have my prayers not for Eddie, but for you. That you may rise above the pain you now may be feeling, that you may find peace and comfort.

The 2020 Democrat Party

The Democrat party as their presidential candidate has chosen Joe Biden. A man who, helped run an illegal coup against a lawfully and legitimately elected POTUS and who blackmailed a foreign nation into dropping corruption changed against his son.

As damning as that seems… Joe Biden, then chose as his running mate, a woman who had sex with California king maker Willy Brown to obtain a government job, who accused Joe Biden of being a rapist and a racist. Who politically speaking is to the left of Che Guevara and makes self confessed Socialist Bernie Sanders seem conservative and honest.

The Democrat party has gone full Marxist totalitarian, the media is having orgasms over this, while pushing propaganda that would have choked Joseph Goebbels to death.

This is who the Democrat party are in 2020, and the only thing standing between the truth and the American public… Are a mainstream media that are more corrupt and dishonest than Joseph Stalin and Big Tech
Brownshirts that make East Germany’s infamous Stasi seem like Girl Scouts.

Were I not so disgusted with both the media and Big Tech, I would warn them to do some research on what happened to the Stasi when the wall came down in November of 1991. But, honestly, I would much rather see them suffer the same fate.

(When the wall came down in 1991, the East German people hunted down and brutally murdered any former Stasi member or collaborator they could find)

Covering up the greatest political scandal in American history.

The writing is on the wall. What has happened is really really bad. What is about to happen, is ten times worse.

What has happened, is politics as usual. It is 100 percent pure corruption on an endemic and systemic institutional level. High level politicians have been using their elected offices to extort graft out of both American citizens and foreign nations. Elected officials have been using their office to get their relatives and children high paying positions in return for political access.

There is nothing criminal in those elected officials elevating unelected bureaucrats to cabinet level positions in exchange for their loyalty. It becomes criminal when those unelected bureaucrats transition from one administration to another and willfully and with a full forethought of malice work to undermine and subvert the legal and lawful authority of the next lawfully elected official.

Decades and decades of the political graft and extortion machine have bred a level of arrogance and entitlement among the unelected senior bureaucratic machine which has has them believing that they ARE the United States Government. Politicians come and politicians go, but we remain is their working ethic. They make the policy, they make the decisions. They decide what is enforced and what is not.

Barack Obama did not like Hillary Clinton. She was a constant thorn in his side. However, she was also the most powerfully connected Democrat in the nation next to himself. If his political agenda was to survive, she needed to be elected as the 45 President of the United States.

To this end, Barack Obama willfully and with a full forethought of malice engaged in a illegal surveillance and disinformation campaign against her primary political opponent, Donald J Trump. At the direct direction of Barack Obama, the senior members of the American Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies spied on, and created a false dossier designed to discredit Trump thus throwing the election to Hillary Clinton.

When this failed, in an attempt to cover up their illegal activities, they created a false narrative that candidate Donald J Trump had solicited and received help from a foreign nation. The list of individuals directly involved in this illegal 18 US Code Chapter 115, sections 2384 and 2385 attempted Coup D’etat is genuinely frightening.

James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Sally Yates, just for starters. Right there you have the National Intelligence Agency (James Clapper) The Central Intelligence Agency (John Brennan) Federal Bureau of Investigation (James Comey) and the Department of Justice (Sally Yates). These people, and a myriad of their underlings (Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, Eric Ciaramella, Lt Col Alexander Vindman) knowingly willfully and with a full forethought of malice attempted, and are still engaging in that attempt to overthrow the legal and lawfully elected President of the United States of America.

Will they be held accountable for their actions? The answer apparently is a stunning and deafening NO.

What they have attempted to do and are still attempting is so stunning, that rather than expose in its entirety the degree of corruption and illegal activity they have engaged in, a pair of mid level flunkies have been chosen to take the fall.

Neither United States Attorney General William Barr, nor United States Attorney John Durham have the courage to prosecute the real criminals involved in the attempted Coup against President Trump. They will instead place the blame on a couple of scapegoats, Eric Ciaramella and Lt Col Alexander Vindman and sweep the rest under the carpet. Their fear, is that exposing the real criminals will topple the United States Government.

So instead of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Pete Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and company being prosecuted and held accountable for their 18 US Code Chapter 115, Sections 2384 and 2385 attempted Coup D’etat, a couple of mid level bureaucrats will be scapegoated and prosecuted. Barr and Dunham will wash their hands and pretend they did everything they could.

Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, all co-conspirators along with the vast majority of the Mainstream media will escape prosecution. The utterly corrupt Deep State will remain in place and everything will return to politics as usual.

What appears to be evident, regardless of their so called commitment to justice, neither Barr nor Durham grasp the significance of the Latin phrase (if they have even ever heard it) Fiat justitia ruat caelum; “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

When the consequences of justice being done become to frightening or politically explosive for justice to be realized, justice ceases to exist at all. When justice falls, the nation has no future. This has been the fate of every empire in human history. America will not be the exception. When the American people finally wake up and understand that Justice has died, that the powerful and politically connected are completely immune to any justice, then America will fall.

America’s fate is in the hands of Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham, and all indications are, that out of cowardice, they just punted.

2 minutes to midnight

Paul Krugman
‏Verified account @paulkrugman

Paul Krugman Retweeted

Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps https://twitter.com/joshscampbell/status/1177721670435405824

Paul Krugman’s statement here is pretty telling. Its a tacit admission of the co-conspiratorial role that the Mainstream Media is and has been playing in the 18 US Code Chapter 115, Sections 2384 and 2385 attempted coup d’etat being run by the Deep State.

As witness after witness is called in the Democrat Impeachment Inquiry one indisputable fact remains incontrovertible. President Donald J Trump has only committed 2 crimes.

1). Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.
2). Trump did not consult the Deep State before setting foreign policy.

Every single witness that Congressman Adam Schiff has called has been forced to admit that they has ZERO first hand knowledge of anything. That they willfully and with a full forethought of malice disregarded the lawfully proffered orders of the President of the United States of America on foreign policy with regards to Ukraine. That there was no legal justification in their testimony with regards to high crimes or misdemeanors.

Not one single witness has been able to cite a single legal statute that President Trump violated at any time.

This is not an impeachment inquiry, it is an attempted coup d’etat designed to cover up political corruption on a scale that no American ever considered possible. James Madison warned about individual factions gaining enough political leverage to impeach a president for purely political reasons. But even James Madison never imagined that they would do so to cover up the amount of institutional corruption that now plagues the bureaucracy in Mordor on the Potomac known as Washington DC.

It 2 minutes to midnight folks. The fate of the United states of America has not yet been decided, but it very soon will be. There are two very very wildcards still at play. United States Attorney General William Barr, and U.S. Attorney John Durham. These two men very literally hold the fate of the United states of America in their hands.

Make no mistake about the amount of pressure they are under and weight upon their shoulders.

To quote Thomas Paine…

by Thomas Paine
December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

It would be no surprise if Barr and Durham crack and surrender the fate of the United States to the Deep State. So great is the pressure being brought to bear upon them. So great is the corruption that they are staring into. If one stares into the abyss long enough, the abyss stares back into ones soul burning every last vestige of humanity out of it.

Our Founding Father’s were rare and exceptional individuals. They possessed a nearly super human ability to set aside their human desires for self and personal gain, and instead set their hand to the task of securing a future for their descendants. They weighed the costs, and fully knowing and understanding that it would cost them everything, even their very life’s, made their course and actions to create a nation where freedom and liberty took greater value then profit or personal comfort.

It will in fact be a significant shock if Barr and Durham are able to reach up even to the lowest rung of the ladder that America’s founding fathers set. Personally it is my suspicion that even if Barr and Durham are honest honorable men, the course of action that they will set will be that which exposes the bare minimum of the corruption within the United States Federal Government.

They will sacrifice a few to prevent the true extent of the corruption from being reveled. And this ONLY if they are genuinely honest, honorable patriots. Otherwise, we will only awake when morning comes to discover that like Pelosi, Schiff, Brennan, clapper and so many others, that they were a part of the Coup D’etat against not Donald J Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, but against the American people themselves.

Make no mistake about this, the Democrats are engaging in an illegal 18 US Code Chapter 115, Sections 2384 and 2385 Coup D’etat, but that Coup is against the American People, not just President Trump.

A modest proposal for US Federal Regulatory Statutes; The You First Law.

America, and most notably California is suffering from Marxist virtue signaling lawfare. At every turn Marxist Socialist lawfare advocates are pushing legal statutes and regulatory policies that are literally the definition of sedition and sabotage against America’s national infrastructure.

Pushed by Marxist activists masquerading as environmentalists the list grows daily with their political agenda to destroy America’s economy to achieve a goal Karl Marx asserted could only be achieved if America’s middle class were to be deprived of its security and substance.

Outside of those high level Marxist revolutionaries driving these attacks from the shadows like George Soros or Tom Steyer the majority of those advocating for these insanely destructive policies are ignorant virtue signaling young people.

They have been deceived by their high school teachers and college professors into believing that the earth is in immediate deadly peril from American Constitutional Capitalism. That the only solutions capable of saving the earth, are those which bring about the cessation of all fossil fuel consumption.

While the solution to stopping the high level Marxist revolutionaries like George Soros and Tom Steyer is far more difficult, putting an end to the ignorant virtue signalling protests of the younger generation is actually quiet simple.

It would, however require something not seen in the United States in over 100 years. A Congress actually committed to the defense of the United States of America as a Constitutional Republic. A congress so inclined could very easily pass a federal legal statute which would require any lawfully registered voter to be immediately subject to the provisions of any proposed legislation that they vote for.

Moreover, that they likewise immediately be made subject to the consequences of any political ideological position for which they publicly advocate.

In short, if you advocate to end the use of fossil fuels, you immediately must cease and desist use of any and all fossil fuels or technologies derived in part or whole from fossil fuels.

Let the proposed federal statute be called, “The National You First Law”.

If you advocate for the elimination of fossil fuels, the asset forfeiture laws must be applied to you. Your house, car, cell phone, computer, medications and any synthetic plastics compounds must be seized by the state and auctioned off. Nor may you purchase any commercially produced food or clothing.

Congress could do this. But they will not. Because congresses agenda is not the defense and protection of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Congresses agenda, is the personal enrichment and aggrandizement of each and individual member of congress regardless of the consequences or cost to the Republic.