What Allen West Just Witnessed On A Military Base did shock me…


I was never in the military, but I grew up in military housing. From Sigsby Island, to Jim Creek to Murphy Canyon. My Stepfather was a career Naval Petty Officer. I’ve been on and off Naval Bases and Facilities in Washington State, Florida and California. I’m 54, which means I grew up during the Vietnam War and the Cold War.

Now I’m no expert, but that description does not at all match with my memories of what it was like getting onto or off a US Military facility. I was born in a United States Air Force Hospital (My Grandfather and my Father were in the (USAF). Two of my brothers joined the Navy, and growing up in Navy Housing as you can imagine, nearly all of my friends up also lived in Navy Housing. in other words, lots of friends who were in the Navy.

What Allen West is describing here takes my breath away. It like a gut punch delivered by Bruce Lee.

I remember when I bought my first car (Yea, it was used), how the thing that made me proudest about my new car ( 1969 MG1100 Sedan) was it came with a Base decal on it. Which meant that I could go pick up my friends older brothers (and a couple years later my own brothers) on base. ( Ok, it also meant we could go to the bars on base, but hey, where else is a 18 year old going to drink legally in California?)

What I remember is, driving on to , Naval Air Station North Island, Naval Station Coradano, 32nd Street Naval Station, Silver Strands Naval Station, China Lake Naval Station, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms.
Ok… So I’ve been on and off a couples of Military bases in my life. You ever fight with yourself over whether to have your car repainted or not based on the time it will take the dogs at the front gate to scratch that brand-new paint? Can you imagine a world where you rejoice because somebody came up with the idea of using a mirror to look under your car instead of having a dog scratch your paint?

I grew up in a world where military security was a given, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The people doing it were firm but professional. They knew who was coming on and off their base at any time. They knew that the old lady in the wheelchair was First Class Petty Officer Walker’s mother. They treated her with respect, but they still looked under her car, checked its trunk and asked who she was coming on base to see.

A rent a cop at the gate just waving at anyone who drives by? This is so far beyond wrong it is difficult to even comprehend. You would be hard pressed to find anyone more anti authoritarian than me short of a brain damaged dope smoking anarchist. But like nearly everyone from my generation, the last people that my mind could conceive of betraying the American People are the US Military. I utterly and profoundly refuse to believe that the spirit of the United States Military that I grew up with could do this unless forced to by the American government.

The men and women I knew growing up knowing were individuals of Integrity, Character, and Morals. I trusted them implicitly because I grew up around them and knew what kind of people they were. I went to school with their kids, went to birthday parties at their house, ate BBQ with them on the weekends. When I needed to fix my car, or broke down somewhere, they were who I went to. My Stepfathers coworkers, my neighbors, my friends older brothers and sisters, my friends mothers and fathers.

I get an almost frightening feeling of being at home anytime I enter a 1950’s – 1970’s era US Military building. I used to go to the Bar at the old Browns Field Airport here in San Diego, I remember the first time I was there. The strangest sense of deja vu hit me. I walked out of the bar itself to use the restroom, and just instinctively knew where it was. As I walked down the hallway I could see the ghosts of Airmen standing in the offices, submitting supply requisition or reports, talking about whatever was current in the news. Lt Henry is telling Staff Sergent Buckaloo that he’s taking his girls to see the new James Dean Movie and Staff Sergent Buckaloo is lamenting how it would be nice if he could keep his five rambunctious boys from getting them thrown out of the theater.

I guess what distresses me here, is not so much that this jars against my own memories of how the US Military used to be like fingernails on a chalkboard, but that having never been in the military myself, I understand that what a career military man like Allen West is experiencing seeing this. Like Allen West, my grandfather was a Colonel (Air Force instead of Army), that’s is no small accomplishment. I see how Col West is responding, and can only wonder what my Grandfather who fought in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam would think of what Col. West witnessed.
If Col. West is bothered, I can only imagine what my Grandfather, my Father, or Stepfather would have been. Who would dare to disgrace their beloved US Military like this…

The Nazi’s were amateurs compared to Planned Murderhood…

In 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the Nazi forced labor and concentration camp located near Ohrdruf, south of Gotha, in Thuringia, Germany. It was part of the Buchenwald concentration camp network. The things that Eisenhower saw there were enough to leave the war hardened General shaken and week at the knees. The Nazi’s had declared over 12 million peoples designated by the state to not be human beings, just goop as it were. They then proceeded to euthanize those 12 million people in a assembly line industrialized manner the likes of which resulted in the Nazi’s being designated as the most evil organization in human history. Their hair was used to stuff pillows, their skin to make lampshades their gold filling to fund Hitler’s war machine and their bodies, usually while still alive, were handed over to doctors to experiment on.

All across America Conservatives lament that America has been seemingly overcome by degeneracy and corruption. The morals of the nation have been perverted to the point that America’s founding Fathers not only would not recognize the America of 2015, but would probably have surrendered to the British to prevent from happening. Yet these same Conservative were stunned and outraged when in 2001 the Reverends Jerry Fawell and Pat Robertson had the unmitigated gall to suggest that 9/11 might possibly have happened because God had withdrawn his protection from America.

Since 1970’s Roe v Wade, the abortion industry has murdered 55 million individuals. People who were denied their constitutional right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. People who were denied the Constitutional Right to due process under the Law. People who were executed without the benefit of a Grand Jury indictment, charges ever being filed, a conviction secured, not being sentenced and without a single solitary Appeal ever being filed. They were murdered because they were inconvenient, and like the victims of Nazi Germany, designated by the State as not being human beings. Hitler and his staff must be eating their hearts out right now that they did not think to eliminate their Jewish Problem in the same manner. A mere 12 million Murders and Hitler is designated the most evil man in recorded human history, 55 million murders and you get to call yourself the Defenders of Women’s Rights and Health.

Anyone who thinks that God is protecting or blessing any people or nation that murder 55 million of their most vulnerable and innocent citizens has obviously, through a disturbingly profound ignorance, confused Lucifer, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan with God. When polled a stunning 83 percent of American consider themselves Christian. Planned Parenthood Murderhood, has put the Nazi Concentration Camps to shame with their efficiency and volume. Given the utterly horrific nature of the evil involved here, one can only conclude that the only reason America has not yet met the same fate as the Nazi’s, is because somewhere within that 83 percent that claim to be Christians and those that actually are Christians there must be just enough of those real Christians sprinkled in to pass the “Lot Test”.

Lot of course being the nephew of Abraham that lived in Sodom. When Abraham was negotiating with God in an attempt to save his nephew, he asked the Angels, would God not spare Sodom if there were 10 righteous men there? Sodom and Gomorrah failed the Lot Test rather profoundly, and the Bible records that they were devastated by fire and brimstone falling from the heavens. Obama has for all practical purposes just given Iran 180 billion dollars and full permission to nuke America. Fire and and brimstone falling from the heavens, a nuclear device on a ballistic missile descending along its trajectory from outer-space, meh, perhaps some of you will notice the similarity.

There are 55 million of God’s most precious Children standing before him asking him, “How long Oh God before you avenge us?”.

The Book of Jonah tells of one of Jonah’s campaigns in Nineveh, in this specific example Jonah delivers God’s message, and the people of Nineveh actually repent. A fact which pisses Jonah off rather seriously. He had his sights set on a full on fireworks display, even found himself a great spot outside the city from which to watch the spectacle. By all accounts the people of Nineveh were worshiping the god Moloch. Their worship included a ritual where the first born child was taken straight from the mothers womb to one of Moloch’s temples, where the newborn child was placed on a large bronze statue of Moloch whose outstretched arms and cupped hands descended to just above a roaring fire. The newborn baby would slide down the outstretched arms right into the waiting open hands of Moloch, where it would be burned alive.

Nineveh repented, and God canceled the fast approaching fireworks. The fireworks are fast approaching America, and I can’t help but wonder if God is still counting to see whether America passes the “Lot Test” or not. As there was with Nineveh, their might still be time for America to repent just in case it doesn’t pass the Lot Test, or perhaps its inability to pass the Lot Test means there just aren’t enough people who would even be willing to be saved for America to be able to repent.

How to predict the Future.

In the United States of America in 2015, the only thing more corrupt than the Government, is the Mainstream Media. The Media enjoys a special class of protection under the Bill of Rights First Amendment. It was placed there for the specific intention of allowing the Media to be a watchdog over Government corruption. The belief was that an independent Media would expose government corruption thus allowing the American people the ability to take corrective action against said corruption.

Tragically, at some point in the previous century the Media abdicated that role in favor of an activist political role. They began at first to covertly violate one of Journalism’s most sacred laws, “Report the Story, do not become part of the Story”. After Hunter S Thompson so called invention of gonzo Journalism they even abandoned the pretense of the aforesaid law, and began actively and openly projecting their own ideology into each story they produced. In America of 2015, the new law is Agenda Driven Propaganda, not Objective reporting.

This can clearly be seem in literally hundreds of examples ranging from, “File this under: Admitting that they knowingly and willfully lie”. Where the Washington Post openly brags that they knowingly and willfully lie to their readers to advance various political agenda’s to “New York Times Stealth-Edits Clinton Email Story at Her Command Where the New York times changes what they report while trying to conceal those changes from their readers.

The consequences of this change in the American Mainstream Media is far greater than just the advancement of the far left Liberal Media’s agenda, it impacts the Federal Government by creating an environment where political agenda driven corruption is rewarded rather than being prosecuted as it should be. The problem is, that rewarding political agenda driven corruption never ever stops at mere political agenda driven corruption, it opens a door to the widespread and systemic adoption of corruption as a normal aspect of governmental operational procedure.

In short, it becomes the standard operating procedure.

Two Inspectors General at the State Department have requested that the Department of Justice open a criminal probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server after finding reason to believe it was used for transmitting “hundreds of potentially classified e-mails. On the face of it, this sounds like the Government doing exactly what Federal Law requires. The fact that these two Inspectors Generals are even making this request however, tells your straight away just how far down the systemic corruption rabbit-hole we have already fallen.

In an America where the Department of Justice were not a corrupt political tool of the office of the POTUS, upon the public revelation that Hillary Clinton had maintained a private email server through which ANY State Department email traffic was traveled, the Department of Justice would have automatically instigated a criminal investigation. Moreover, upon discovering that Hillary Clinton had destroyed the contents of that server, the DOJ would have instigated Criminal proceeding for the destruction of Federal Government Property without proper authorization and destruction of evidence of Criminal Activity.

Predicting the Future here is painfully easy. It involves, what should have been done and was not, and why it might be done now. The why, is the easiest part, indemnification of Hillary Clinton against Double Jeopardy. In short, the most abjective and abusive form of political agenda driven corruption imaginable.

The what then automatically predicts itself. The Department of InJustice has declared that it has investigated whether Hillary Clinton committed any criminal activities with regard to her use of a legally prohibited private email server, and found no evidence of criminal activity. There it is, as simple as that, the Fox investigated his Sister with regard to accusations that she was eating the Chickens in Farmer Browns Chicken-coop, and found no evidence that she was responsible, despite the obvious evidence of blood and feathers all around her mouth.