Rise of the Fourth Reich

For decades people all around the world have asked the same question. How could the German people have fallen under the spell of Adolph Hitler. How could the Nazi’s have taken control of Germany?

Yale University Psychologist Stanley Milgram’s 1961 shock experiment, and the 1971 Standford Prison experiment both shed light on that question. But, both experiments failed in that, neither experiment took into account the teaching of Karl Marx.

Nazi Germany was, at its core, a Marxist political organization. Nazi is a noun and an acronym for National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Karl Marx is the father of modern day socialism. According to Marx, there are three steps to a perfect social order.

  1. Socialism
  2. Communism
  3. Marxism

The first stage is socialism, followed by communism and finally full blown Marxism. Despite what the modern day followers of Marx would like everyone to believe, yes, the Nazi’s were socialists. The transformation of any society to a Marxist Socialist society requires a umber of carefully orchestrated shifts of that societies Overton Window.

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse.

The people have to be stripped of their beliefs in God, desensitized to violence and robbed of any sense of moral or ethical belief in themselves as a corporate whole.

World War ones loss by Germany went a very long way to destroying the German peoples belief in themselves as a moral and ethical people, it shattered their belief in God and desensitized them to violence. Adolph Hitler was able to employ the tactics of Karl Marx to push the German people over the edge with propaganda and political violence until the German people fell victim to very human condition psychological conditions outlined by both the Milgram experiment and the Standford Prison experiment.

Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Joesph Stalin and Mao Zedong never had social media. They never had the internet, instant communication or broadcast television. But, they did have cancel culture. Cancel culture in fact is as Marxist of a concept as has ever existed. Stalin, Hitler and Mao all used it to decimate any decent. Stalin famously air brushed people out of photographs who had fallen out of favor with him. Mao erased entire villages for their failure to follow his shining path.

Historically speaking, cancel culture has always been a tool used by Marxists to control an already subjugated population. East Germany’s Stasi and the Soviet Unions KGB came to be among the most feared agents of Marxist cancel culture. When the Stasi or the KGB canceled you, they did it by burying your tortured corpse in a shallow unmarked grave. Your neighbors knew all about your midnight disappearance, they knew who was responsible, and they knew that whatever it was that happened to you, was not something that they wanted happening them themselves.

Twitter and Facebook are engaging in a virtual version of cancel culture. From a psychological perspective the impact of virtual cancel culture is nearly identical to that of Marxist cancel culture. Everyone knows who is responsible and that they do not what to be the next to be canceled even if it is merely a virtual canceling.

America has been under assault by various sects of Marxism for over a century. Academia, Entertainment, Politics, Corporate Business and Religion fell to these Marxist infiltrators decades ago. Big Tech like Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook are the vanguards of Marxism in America. The Democrat Party is a organized crime syndicate masquerading as a political party, it is America’s Nazi Party. It is less interested in political Marxism then it is raw unbridled political power. But there is no question that the Democrats see Marxism as a useful mechanism to achieve that end goal.

How did the German people allow themselves to fall sway to Adolph Hitlers Nazi party? The exact same way that the American people are allowing themselves to fall under the sway of the Democrat party. All the Democrats are missing is a dynamic charismatic individual to rally the people around.

The Democrats set up the conditions that would allow them to introduce their own Adolph Hitler, which is no doubt why they hate Former President Donald Trump so much. Trump is exactly the sort of dynamic charismatic individual who could seal their final hold on political power in America. Except, Trump just happens to love the United States Constitution and the Representative Republic that it is the foundation of.

America is currently in its darkest hours. It has not been as politically divided as it now is since the Civil War. There is a Marxist coup underway led by the Democrat Party. The only thing standing between the Marxist Democrats and the successful competition of their Marxist coup, are the supporters of Donald Trump.

The Democrats have unleashed their SS Brownshirts, aka Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They have been engaging in political terrorism for nearly 7 years now. Anyone opposing the Democrats is subject to cancellation, not merely virtual cancellation, but financial cancellation as well. You stand to not only be cancelled from social media, but to lose your job, your home and everything you own as well.

The fight isn’t over, even if Donald Trump manages to retake the Whitehouse in 2024, it wont be over.