Oppenheimer was wrong.

In 1945 Dr Robert Oppenheimer famously quoted the Bhagavad Gita upon witnessing the first nuclear detonation code named Trinity “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. It was his belief that having spearheaded the Manhattan Projects creation of nuclear weapons, that he had opened the door to the inevitable world destroying use of those weapons.

The truth however is, that from the moment that Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-Rays the creation of nuclear weapons was as inevitable as death and taxes. Whether they would ever be used on any scale was never an open question. They would be used, the only question was, how many times and by whom.

The one guarantee regarding their use after the American use against the Empire of Japan to bring world war 2 to an end, was that the next time they were used it would be an act of desperation by a nation believing that it had no other viable option.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin now finds himself in that tragic and unenviable position. Just as world war 1 was predicated upon a series of tragic and entirely avoidable miscalculations, so Russia’s use of nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian war will be the result of a series of tragic and entirely avoidable miscalculations.

The European Union and NATO’s insistence on forcing Russia into a corner by literally placing nuclear armed NATO nations on Russia’s borders is the result of both systemic and endemic corruption within the leadership of NATO. Hiding their corruption under the masquerade of preventing Russia from reconstituting the Soviet Union, the EU is really after nothing less than money and power for its unelected bureaucrats and corrupt politicians.

To this mix, add corrupt American politicians who for decades have been using Ukraine as a money laundring operation to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

There have been numerous corrupt American politicians throughout American history. The story is always the same. Use their position as elected officials to put their thumbs on the economic scales for their own personal benefit. Dianne Feinstein’s illegal funneling of hundreds of billions of dollars to her husbands company is legendary, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s theft of billions of dollars through their fake charity organization is epic, Harry Reid’s criminal use of insider knowledge to purchase land he knew that the federal government was about to purchase and Nancy Pelosi’s use of insider knowledge to purchase and sell stocks are first rate white collar insider trading.

Every single act of political corruption in American history pales in comparison however, to what the Biden Family Crime syndicate is attempting to do right now. Joseph Robinette Biden is literally attempting to start a nuclear war in Ukraine with Russia to hide his own illegal money laundring in Ukraine.

Biden and NATO keep pretending that they believe Putin will back down when push comes to nuclear shove. Yes, they are 100 percent pretending. Keeping the world from seeing the extent of their corruption is exactly why they are pushing Russia;s Putin into a corner which leaves Putin with no other recourse than to use nuclear weapons.

The evidence of this is utterly indisputable, decades of Putin’s actions in Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine make it 100 percent that Russia will not back down and 100 percent will eventually respond with nuclear weapons if Biden and NATO continue on their current path. As far as Putin and Russia are concerned, Biden and NATO have already crossed the Rubicon and started a nuclear world war 3. The absolute only way the war in Ukraine doesn’t go nuclear, is if NATO and Biden stop forcing a nuclear war on Russia.

Neither Biden nor NATO have any intention of backing down, as doing so guarantees that their criminal corruption and money laundering in Ukraine will come out, and lots of bureaucrats and Biden crime family members will go to prison.

So yes, Dr Robert Oppenheimer was wrong, he did not become death, the destroyer of world’s, that title will go to Joseph Robinette Biden, who is intentionally starting a nuclear war to hide his criminal activities in Ukraine.

The American Conservative Delusion.

Conservatives in America, primarily members of the Republican party base, have suffered for decades under one delusion after another. The delusions remain virtually the same, what changes, is who feeds those delusions. Let me list those delusions for you, its a fairly short list.

  1. The GOP Establishment wont betray their base this time.
  2. The GOP Establishment will fight to win this time.
  3. The GOP Establishment will enact meaningful reforms.
  4. The GOP Establishment is fiscally conservative.
  5. The GOP Establishment will finally force a balanced budget through congress.

Like I said, its a pretty short list. Every 2 years new congressional representatives are elected. Every 2 years the GOP base is deceived into believing that these new representatives will enact meaningful changes. That the will of the party base will finally be respected and acted on. And every 2 years anything but that happens.

The GOP Establishment proves to be every bit as fiscally reckless as the Democrats. The GOP Establishment proves to be every bit as corrupt as the Democrats.

Enter 2023. The Republican party narrowly regained control of the House of Representatives. A Kabuki theater contentious Speaker of the House election goes 15 rounds before the well documented Republican In Name Only Kevin McCarthy is finally elected Speaker of the House, but only after granting symbolic concessions to the House Freedom Caucus.

I genuinely wish that the GOP party base would finally wake up and understand the most basic and fundamental aspect of American governance in the 21st century. The GOP Establishment neither has the will, nor the ability to enact any significant or meaningful changes.

The true delusion American conservative are laboring under, is that the members of congress, both House and Senate have any ability to actually do anything. Wake the fuck up, they not only do not, but wouldn’t even if they could.The American Government suffered a full blown Marxist Socialist Coup. Not in 2020, not in 2010, but back in the early 1960s. President John F Kennedy was the first fatality of that coup.

The Deep State, in other-words, unelected bureaucrats, unaccountable senior executive level administration officials have successfully overthrown the entire United States Government, from the Federal all the way down to the smallest city and county level. Elected officials come and go, but unelected bureaucrats remain until they retire or die.

Its those unelected bureaucrats who actually make all the decisions. If they don’t like what the elected official does, they either completely ignore it, slow walk it, or…. Arrange for said elected official to either be removed from office or lose their next election.

Yes, that is exactly what happened to President Donald Trump. First they tried to remove him from office, and when that failed, they rigged the 2020 election to ensure that he lost.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy will say whatever is required for him to retain the speakers gavel, but just as he and Senator Mitch McConnell ensured that the Republican party did not gain a substantial control over the House and Senate, McCarthy will torpedo, sabotage, if you will, any attempts made by the Freedom Caucus to enact significant or meaningful reforms.

Its all Kabuki Theater, and the real conservative delusion is that it is anything but Kabuki theater.

Corruption beyond corruption

Why did the Department of Justice target Mar a Lago?

For the exact same reason that Joe Biden admitted to having stolen classified documents at his home and Penn State offices.

It was done 100 percent for the exact same reason. That reason? To permanently conceal criminal acts taken by members of the Deep State.

What was President Donald Trump hiding at Mar a Lago? Trump was hiding felony criminal document regarding the FBI’s illegal and unconstitutional surveillance of presidential candidate Donald J Trump. The program was called “Crossfire Hurricane”.

By creating a criminal investigation into President Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents, the Department of Justice was able to confiscate documents that proved that the FBI and Department of Justice officials had committed multiple felony criminal acts and prevent them from ever being disclosed in court or to the general public. In short, they used lawfare to conceal their own misfeasance and criminal activities.

This is the exact same thing they are doing with Vice President Joe Biden’s theft of classified documents.

President Donald Trump had the legal and constitutional authority to declassify any document he wanted to. Period, full stop. All he had to do, is say it was declassified. Vice President Joe Biden did not have that authority, again, period, full stop.

This is how corrupt the Department of Justice is.