George Zimmerman acquitted, Black Supremacists Vow Violence.

George Zimmerman, a Florida Hispanic who was born with an obvious birth defect which made him appear to be a White person was acquitted yesterday of the charges of murdering Treyvon Martin, a 17 year old Black kid who was attempting to exercise his constitutional right to assault and murder any old creepy ass cracker who crossed his path.

Al Sharpton, one of the leaders of America’s Black Supremacist movement is pressuring Black Klux Klan Grand Dragon Erick Holder to file “Civil Right’s” violation charges against George Zimmerman in the wake of the acquittal, declaring the juries decision an obvious violation of Treyvon Martins constitutional and civil rights.

Meanwhile, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media has been putting as many of the Hollywoodenrat in front of their camera’s as they can in a desperate attempt to create the necessary public outrage required to astroturf the violent rioting this outrageous acquittal demands.

What boggles the mind is how those imbeciles in Florida could possibly have come to the conclusion that anyone even remotely appearing to be a white male might have the right to defend themselves against the oh so obviously righteous assault by a Black man on their person. Everyone in America knows that whenever a Black/African-American person assaults and or kills a white person for any reason what-so-ever, they are 100 percent justified because White America’s held African’s as slaves 150 years ago.

The case could not have been more open and shut, George Zimmerman, despite being Hispanic, looked like a white male, ergo, Treyvon Martin was 100 percent justified in assaulting him, and George Zimmerman 100 percent guilty of unlawfully murdering poor innocent little Treyvon.

Now, thanks to the obviously racist and totally illegal actions of George Zimmerman, Treyvon Martin will be unable to achieve his life long ambition of becoming a Drug dealing Pimp and Gangster, thus becoming a true and genuine pillar of the African-America community. Therefore George Zimmerman must be held accountable for depriving the African-American community of such an outstanding example of an African-American male and positive role model of his community.

If Barrack Insane Obama had a son, he would, no doubt, look just like Treyvon Martin. His ambitions, would no doubt, be the same as those as Trevyon, to be a Drug dealing Pimp and Gangster role model and pillar of the African-American Community.

4 thoughts on “George Zimmerman acquitted, Black Supremacists Vow Violence.

  1. Quote: “Al Sharpton, one of the leaders of America’s Black Supremacist movement is pressuring Black Klux Klan Grand Dragon Erick Holder to file “Civil Right’s” violation charges against George Zimmerman in the wake of the acquittal,”……… first of all isn’t it the responsibility of the family to file civil suits and is it right if the family receives American tax dollars from government supported special black interest groups to file a civil case that really is unjustified in my eyes. every lie that could possibly be told in the murder trial came out and still Zimmerman was found innocent. go figure.

    • Neither the truth nor the facts or even the law have played any role so far with regards to George Zimmerman and the murder trial. It has all been a political racist kangaroo court.

      Neither Sharpton or Holder give a damn what really happened, all they care about is advancing their own Black Supremacist agenda.

  2. Not all Floridians are imbeciles . Me , spouse and the jury for example .
    Your work is terrific . Thank you .

    • Thank you, being from California, I am surrounded by imbeciles, trust me. I have long since given up on enlightening them through rational and logical reasoning, now I just mock and ridicule them.

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