Is Tommy Robinson Britain’s new Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela, the violent Marxist Revolutionary has so many times been portrayed as a heroic figure for his fight against apartheid in South Africa. As is always the case with Marxist revolutionaries, Mandela picked the biggest symbol of oppression he could find and made it his supposed raison d’être.

The truth about Nelson Mandela is of course far different that the official Marxist narrative. Apartheid was of course not Mandela’s raison d’être, it was merely the vehicle by which he achieved his raison d’être, his raison d’être was in fact, Marxism. Yet regardless of the truth, still the vast majority of the world prefers to view Mandela as the heroic freedom fighter that he portrayed himself to be.

For his efforts, (which one must not be deceived or mistaken about, they were bloody violent attempts to install a Marxist Government in South Africa) South Africa made the fatal decision in 1962 of arresting, convicting and sentencing Nelson Mandela to life in prison.

The actions of the South African Government were the actions of a desperate and failing government to silence opposition to their rule. The policy of apartheid was a repugnant policy and had the South African Government recognized it as such back in 1962 and dismantled apartheid instead of imprisoning Nelson Mandela he would have never become the symbol for Marxist rebellion and the living martyr that he became.

The kind of decision to arrest, prosecute and imprison an individual for unpopular political speech that the Mandela case because universal symbol of, is a hallmark of a state either teeter on the edge of collapse, or on the edge of becoming a merciless totalitarian state.

Arresting an individual for expressing political idea’s that the government does not approve of is behavior one expects from totalitarian regimes like China and North Korea, not nations where the modern concepts of freedom and liberty were born like Great Britain.

Sequestered in the halls of power in Whitehall and Downing Street in the UK are a group of individuals unused to having their will questioned or defied. For reasons that escape even the most intelligent of individuals those aristocrats have made the conscience decision to replace the loyal native subjects of the Crown with a new group of individual who owe no allegiance to the Crown, and whose religious beliefs will always preclude them owing any allegiance to the Crown.

Tommy Robinson just happens to be one of those native indigenous loyal subjects of the Crown, who has made the unpardonable transgression of objecting to being replaced by Whitehall’s Islamic hordes.

U.K. right-wing activist and journalist Tommy Robinson was arrested and reportedly jailed Friday after he filmed members of an alleged child grooming gang entering a court for trial — but the details of his purported sentence remain murky after the judge ordered the press not to report on the case.

Robinson, the former head of the English Defense League and a longtime activist against Islam and Islamic migration, was arrested after he was filming men accused of being part of a gang that groomed children. Britain has been rocked by a series of child sex scandals perpetuated by gangs of predominantly Muslim men.

Video shows Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Lennon, being surrounded by as many as seven police officers as he livestreamed the incident on his phone. The police informed him he was being arrested for “breach of the peace.”

If you are somehow unaware of the “Child Grooming” situation in Great Britain, it goes something like this. Over the last 30 years members of the immigrate Muslim community in Britain has systemically engaged in the practice of luring, seducing, and then kidnapping young predominately white British girls and selling them into the sex trade industry.

And as bad as that sounds, the reality is 100 times worse, because the British Government/Scotland Yard has been aware of this practice for nearly the entire 30 plus years, and rather than putting an end to the practice has not only turned a blind eye to it, they have prosecuted pretty much anyone who has attempted to bring the crisis to the general public attention.

The more rational and cynical minded individuals in the world could easily be forgiven for wondering out loud if, given their actions, the British Government/Scotland Yard were not in fact engaging in this pattern of reprehensible and outrageous behavior because high ranking member of the British Government/Scotland Yard were in fact patrons of those “Child Grooming” gangs. You know the old saying, “Where there is smoke”.

Now the funny thing here regarding Tommy Robinson is, that Tommy is the genuine real deal that Nelson Mandela was portrayed as being. Tommy is not a Marxist riding the biggest crisis he could find to his ultimate goal of overthrowing the British Government and installing a new Marxist government in its place.

Tommy Robinson is an indigenous native Briton who is objecting to Downing Street replacing the indigenous native British population with Islamic immigrants. Whitehall has been attacking Robinson for at least a decade now, arresting and rearresting him. The British Media has smeared him with every conceivable derogatory lie and half truth they could think up for just as long.

And now, they have arrested him again and are deleting ever reference to his arrest that they are able to as quickly as they are able to. Nelson Mandela was never the symbol of a courageous principled freedom fighter that the media portrayed him as being, and equally so Tommy Robinson is not and never has been the prejudiced violent right wing ultra nationalist that Whitehall, Downing Street or the media have portrayed him as being.

The British Government/Whitehall/Downing Street are trying to do what the South African Government did to Nelson Mandela in 1962. Lock Tommy Robinson up for the purpose of silencing him. It didn’t work for the South African Government who held Mandela in prison for 27 years. Nelson Mandela shuffled off this mortal coil in 2013, the South African Government that imprisoned him for 27 years shuffled off this mortal coil long before Mandela did, and Mandela served as President of South Africa between 10 May 1994 – 16 June 1999.

The effect of attempting to silence a man with a righteous cause has consequences. Mandela was not a righteous man and his ambitions of creating a Marxist South Africa were not righteous, but his determination to end apartheid was a righteous cause. Tommy Robinson’s crusade to end and reverse the elimination of and replacement of the indigenous native population of the British Isles is likewise a righteous cause.

Were the indigenous native population of the British Isles anything other than white, the entire worlds media would be screaming for the heads of everyone in Whitehall and Downing Street to be cut off and stuck upon pikes and panted alongside the roads leading in and out of London. And right there is the devil in the detail that is dooming the British Government and the British people.

These same individuals in Whitehall and Downing Street, (the same ones no doubt of whom questions as to whether they are the “Child Grooming gangs” best paying and most loyal “Punters” customers or not) have committed the single most egregious transgression against their citizens that any government can ever commit. No, not just protecting pedophile gangs, but of refusing to protect the actual citizens of their nation.

For now they have silenced Tommy Robinson, for now anyways. South African thought they had solved the Nelson Mandela problem as well by imprisoning and silencing him, 27 years later, it bit their heads clean off then shit them back out on top of their still warm corpses.

Tommy Robinson is in fact everything that Nelson Mandela was suppose to be, but wasn’t. Sins and crimes against humanity that Tommy Robinson will no doubt be made to suffer for. How dare a white man object to being made a minority in the land of his birth that has always been a majority white nation. The struggle is exactly the same.

Nelson Mandela believed that the Black majority of South Africa should not be punished and made third class citizens in the land they were born in which had always been a Black majority country. For his efforts Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and hailed around the world as a hero.

Robinson, whose message is for all practical purposes the same message with the only difference being the color of his skin and that of the indigenous people he represents is being cast as the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. One has to wonder at the moral and ethical values of the government of Briton and the British media.

Yes.. most generous and loyal “Punters” customer’s of the “Child Grooming Gangs” indeed.

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